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Why is the Guilt of the Defendant in 12 Angry Men Not Important (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


Dear Freelancer, please read all the pages attached and answer the questions down below.
Why is the guilt of the defendant in 12 Angry Men not important?
If you were on the jury in 12 Angry Men, how would you vote right now? Explain using specifics from the last section.
Based on what we know so far in the play, how is personal history/emotion both a good and bad thing when performing your duty as a juror? Use evidence from the play to support your stance.
Fully explain the smart and dumb rationale by juror 8. Poke holes in his argument. Why is his point irrelevant? How could you use his point to still prove the defendant’s guilt?
How do the jurors respond to juror 10’s tirade? Discuss how the behavior of the other jurors is both problematic and powerful.
How does juror 8 counteract juror 4’s argument about the woman who supposedly witnessed the murder? How could you utilize juror 8’s reasoning to still prove the defendant’s guilt?
- pages
Why does juror 3 change his vote? What do you think is the point Reginald Rose is trying to make with this action? Come up with two ideas that are explained fully.
Do you believe the defendant is guilty? Explain your answer. How would you have voted and what would be your main reasons?
What you believe is one of the messages you should take away from this story?


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The 12 Angry Men
Why is the guilt of the defendant in 12 Angry Men not important?
The guilt of the defendant is not important because it involves a kid and the jurors think that the kid is not capable of killing. Additionally, the jurors think that the kid had no reason to kill his father even though there was a possibility of hatred towards his father.
If you were on the jury in 12 Angry Men, how would you vote right now? Explain using specifics from the last section.

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