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Academic Integrity in English (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


This task is about how the student will maintain academic integrity while pursuing English 102 course. The instructions require the student to define academic integrity, outline ways of maintaining academic integrity, and provide a personal experience of a situation when they acted with integrity. The student is expected to state that they will uphold the honor code of the institution and uphold morality.


Academic Integrity in English 102 Course
In recent years, institutions have encouraged students to have integrity. Integrity is the state of honesty and being guided by moral principles. In an academic context, integrity is the demonstration of honesty and virtue in an academic setting. Most commonly, integrity is used to when referring to the use of information and giving proper credit where it is due. Colleges therefore urge students to acknowledge the work and contribution of other scholars.
When pursuing the English 102 course, I will write with integrity by avoiding plagiarism, avoiding cheating and abiding by the regulations of the institution. There is a strong reason to be an ethical student with a moral compass and an honor code. In the English 102 course, I aim to achieve the best possible grade through personal effort and to attribute all borrowed ideas to their originators. Integrity applies vastly in most facets of life and I expect to apply similar principals to the English 102 course and other spheres of academia.
I have made incredible progress in other facets of life by upholding integrity. In my part-time employment during the holidays, my employers trust me by giving more respo

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