Why John C. Calhoun Supported Slavery? (Other (Not Listed) Sample)
Why John C. Calhoun Supported Slavery? Why Frederick Douglass’ Opposed Slavery?John C. Calhoun argued that the Declaration of Independence that every person was created equal was the worst political mistake of the time. Alongside George Fitzhugh, a Virginian author, the statesman believed that the equality was an exception as opposed to the norm. Frederick Douglass escaped slavery and started to promote freedom for every slave. Since the federal, local, and state troops outnumbered the slaves in the South, they could not rebel openly.
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The Peculiar Institution: Answers to Questions
Why John C. Calhoun Supported Slavery
John C. Calhoun argued that the Declaration of Independence that every person was created equal was the worst political mistake of the time. Alongside George Fitzhugh, a Virginian author, the statesman believed that the equality was an exception as opposed to the norm. The supporters argued that slavery without regard to race was one of the most natural affairs of the world. Therefore, Calhoun rejected the provision of freedom to the slaves in the society while proposing the view that they could not co-exist with the whites.
Secondly, the statesman-cum-theorist opposed any plan to make concessions to the rebellious slaves. According to him, the southerners who accepted equality would be subjugated by the slaves (Foner 328). Calhoun argued that the blacks were asking for justice as a means to power. In his view, the slaves would move through several political stages until the force of the whites was too broken to resist (Foner 328). Moreover, the statesman reminded the people that the anti-slavery campaigners had avoided the Congress in their lobbying, making them untouchable (Foner 328). For these reasons, Calhoun opposed the fight for power disguised as anti-slavery.
According to him, the Bible, on which his party was founded, accepted slavery. Calhoun concluded that it was only right to own slaves as long as the Bible was right. What is more, the statesman emphasized that slavery existed in all the countries of the world, and there was no opposition (Foner 333). In his view, no sacred author had condemned slavery in their nations since God intended it to remain that way (Foner 318). Finally, the pro-slavery supporters quoted some of the prominent Biblical figures such as Abraham who possessed several slaves and remained in good standing with God.
Why Frederick Douglass’ Opposed Slavery
Frederick Douglass escaped slavery and started to promote freedom for every slave. Since the federal, local, and state troops outnumbered the slaves in the South, they could not rebel openly. For example, they did shoddy work, broke tools, and abused animals to disrupt the activities of the plantations (Foner 330). The lucky and courageous slaves escaped from their masters and followed the North Star that they believed led to freedom. Douglass encouraged the slaves to escape and try to lose themselves in the free black community in cities such as New Orleans (Foner 330). As a result, the free black slaves encouraged the others to rebel and asked for their freedom.
The Declaration of Independence influenced the slaves’ rebellion against their masters. When the colonies won the war of independence, the Congress passed a declaration that recognized every citizen to be equal and endowed with several inalienable human rights. Frederick
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