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Case Study-work Place Sexual Harassment Law Research (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


Case study-work place sexual harassment


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Step 1: I identification of the ethical issue
The issue here is that her male colleagues sexually harass Valarie, and despite taking this issue to the human resource department, the assistant director sees no offense in this and is not willing to take adequate corrective measures against the offending male employees. The action he takes merely solves the problem, and this frustrates Valarie the more.
Step 2: Legal rules to the issue
It is vital to maintain work ethics. Ethical relations should always be maintained in the workplace. The management should have ethical control over the behaviors of its employees to ensure compliance with the policies of the organization. The management plays a huge role in behavior management. It is the responsibility of the management to ensure that all the employees have a deep understanding of the code of ethics.
Approaches that are useful in the assessment of ethics of specific actions include the principle-based approach and the consequences-based approach. In principle-based approach, we determine whether the action meets the ethical standards that are set in the organization. In this case, rules such as the Categorical imperative apply, in which case, we ask ourselves whether it will be okay for everyone to behave in the same way. If it would be okay, the\n the behavior is considered ethical, but if it would not be okay if everyone behaved in the same way, then the behavior is deemed to be unethical. In the consequences-based approach, we look at the consequences of such an action. In this case, action will be considered ethical if it serves the best interest of the most significant number of people. On the other hand, it will be regarded as unethical if it does not best serve the benefit of a majority of the people.

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