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Interview manager Literature & Language Research Paper (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


Identify someone who is a manager and make a20 minuteappointment for an interview.
Note: The manager you select must be someone who hasother people reporting to her/him and is NOT self-employed.


An interview of LA Fitness Gym Operations Manager
Interviewer Name:

Manager's Name:

Date and time of Interview:

Location of interview:

Question: What is your title, and how long have you been in your current position?

Answer: The Operations' manager at LA fitness gym, a position I have held for three years now. I started out in this position in early 2017 to date.

Question: Would you briefly describe your current position and responsibilities?

Answer: Gladly, generally tasked with the day to day running of the gym. Ensure that all employees are prompt and responsible. Equally, manage the gym's financial transactions and ensure all bills are sorted on time. I act as the inter-link between the executive and the employees. I ensure that the bi-directional flow of communication and instructions is seamless and that both the owners and the employees are on the same page. The owner expects me to relay instructions on his expectations to the staff and on the other hand the employees count on me to champion for their issues to the owners. I equally get to interact with our clients daily. I have to ensure that our customers are satisfied. This is achievable by listening to their suggestion and addressing issues that concern them and coming up with solutions that generally improve the gym. I also oversee that our gym’s social media accounts are managed properly and that some customer based issues channeled through them are addressed.

Question: What is one of the most challenging aspects of your job and what are the most important skills that someone has to develop in order to be successful in this particular aspect of the job?

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