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Criminology Essay (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


Topic One:
This first topic is intended to expose you to the criminal court process involving several levels of courts. Research aUnited States Supreme Court case that deals with a criminal issue, this is not restricted to any certain year so use your imagination. In the case it will mention the findings and verdicts of lower courts.
A. Identify your case, make sure it is a criminal case, not a civil case!
B. Give us the specifics of the case
C. Identify and explain the rulings of the lower courts
D. What were the conclusions of the case
Topic Two:
Go to the Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics select section 5, Courts, prosecution, sentencing. Select a section that is addressed in Chapter 9, then report on the statistics or table presented and include the link to the document that you reference. For instance, I chose "Pretrial Processing of Felony Defendants" then the document "Felony defendants released before or detained until case disposition in the 75 largest counties, by arrest charge, United States, 2000" a couple of things that I found interesting was that 13% of individuals charged with murder were released prior to trial!, how about 56% of those charge with rape were released prior to trial! Of course there are a number of intervening factors but just spending a few moments looking at the table struck me as odd. Of course I expect you to spend more time looking at the statistics, analyzing and reporting on that.
A. Give an overview of the table or document you are reviewing.
B. Without us having to look at the document explain to us what the statistics show and explain if anything.

Topic One
The United States Supreme court case in this case is one named Messrschmidt v. Millender Case whereby Roberts and Breyer concurred, Kagan concurred in certain parts and dissented in others, Sotomayor dissented with Ginsburg. The case took course in 22nd, February, 2012. In the case, Jerry Bowen is allegedly attacked his ex-girlfriend (Kelly) physically and shot her five times with a sawed-off shotgun when fleeing. Detective Messrschmidt carried out investigation and came up with a confirmation that Bowed used to reside at the house of his foster-mother (Ms. Millender) and his arrest and conviction came after numerous offenses that were violent and related to firearms. The rap sheet belonging to Bowen had a 17 pages span and gave an indication of that he had at least 31 times of arrest before. An arrest warrant for Bowen was obtained by Messrschmidt together with Millender’s search warrant (Little et al, 2013).
A review of the warrant was done by two supervisory officers and an assistant DA, together with the magistrate who had it signed. All officials who had the application reviewed never expressed concern about its validity. In addition to other things, the search warrant given gave authority for someone to search for and seize "all" guns and "evidence articles that showed membership by street gang of affiliation." Its contents also had Messrschmidt belief that such evidence can have value for prosecution that is successful of not just the crime of shooting but also curtailing of further crimes that can be committed. After the warrant was executed, Brown was not found by the officers, he however got arrested after two weeks, while hiding under a motel room’s bed. Ms. Millender was not confronted together with her family. Her short gun was seized, a ammunition with .45 calibration together with a letter that had Bowen as the addressee. The conclusions made was that the warrant had no probable cause that could justify seizing all "gang-related" materials together with "all" guns (Little et al, 2013).
Little, R.K., et al, (2013) The Criminal Justice Section of the American Bar Association, 2012 Annual Meeting in Annual Review of the Supreme Court’s Term, Criminal Cases. Retrieved from , Illinois,USA. Print.
Topic 2
I chose "Characteristics of felony defendants in the 75 largest counties”. The table shows the most serious arrest charges ranging from violent offe...
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