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Health, Medicine, Nursing
PowerPoint Presentation
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PowerPoint Presentation with speaker notes Disaster Recovery Plan (PowerPoint Presentation Sample)

The task was to Develop a disaster recovery plan to lessen health disparities and improve access to community services after a disaster. Then, develop and record a 10 slide presentation of the plan with audio and speaker notes for the Vila Health system, city officials, and the disaster relief team. The powerpoint was to elaborate about the assignment topic. source..
Disaster Recovery Plan Introduction ▶ The presentation below is based on the Villa Health Community disaster plan. ▶ Villa Health Community is vulnerable to disasters due to various factors. ▶ At Villa Health, a disaster recovery plan is essential in preventing the morbidity and mortality cases that may be experienced by individuals when disaster strikes. ▶ Lessening the health disparities and improving access to healthcare services through various approaches. ▶The focus will be on Healthy People 2020 and Healthy People 2030 objectives to improve health and prevent health disparities. Describe The Determinants Of Health And The Cultural, Social, And Economic Barriers That Impact Safety, Health, And Recovery Efforts In The Community ▶Villa has visible health determinants that undermine the ability to protect its residents from injuries, health complications, and mortality when disaster strikes. ▶The current situation indicates various gaps in Villa brought about by barriers that impact community safety, health, and recovery. ▶The community has diverse cultures with homeless and economically challenged individuals including the immigrants. ▶There is a language barrier due to the presence of immigrants and high poverty rates that affect access to healthcare services. ▶There is unequal access to resources and healthcare services in the community due to health inequities. Continuation ▶The vulnerable population has high chronic health conditions, like the elderly. ▶The healthcare system requires comprehensive preparedness and extensive knowledge to improve quality of life. ▶Health disparities impact health outcomes and recovery efforts in the community. ▶Inadequate resources and general unpreparedness to collaborate effectively affect recovery. ▶Therefore, an adequate disaster plan is required due to improper protocols that must be clarified during disaster response. Explain How Your Proposed Disaster Recovery Plan Will Lessen Health Disparities and Improve Access To Community Services ▶An overhaul plan is essential in protecting the community from adverse health outcomes. ▶The considerations are based on improving the flow of communication to prevent issues like language barriers. ▶Leadership changes will ensure a more coordinated preparedness, response, and recovery. ▶Good leadership will facilitate the equitable distribution of healthcare resources, significantly improving accessibility. ▶The will be reduced vulnerability of the individuals in the community and improved risk assessment response to disasters (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d). Continuation ▶The recovery plan will involve using the MAP-IT model to mobilize the disaster response team (Cheng et al., 2022). ▶The Map-IT framework guides stakeholders and the healthcare setting on the appropriate way necessary for improving the situation at Villa Health. ▶The framework facilitates response to barriers through facilitating proper communication, coordination, and guiding the behaviors across the continuum of care. ▶It allows the transformational leader to apply the provisions under the Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistant Act and the Disaster Recovery (DRRA) to make visible steps in the provision of human-related support. ▶The model facilitates better planning marked by a complete comprehension of health disparities. Explain How Health And Governmental Policy Impact Disaster Recovery Efforts ▶The community has various health policies to improve health policies towards disasters. ▶Health and governmental policy play a significant role in shaping the impact of disasters and the effectiveness of disaster recovery efforts. ▶The policies are responsible for the coordination of responses to disasters by providing adequate resources and assistance to the affected vulnerable individuals. ▶The health policies like ACA prevent health disparities, including inadequate access to healthcare services by immigrants and disadvantaged groups like elderly and homeless immigrants. ▶Health policies like National Disaster Recovery Framework facilitate the restoration, redevelopment, and revitalizing of the health, social, economic, and additional guidance that improves situations when disaster strikes. Present Specific, Evidence-based Strategies To Overcome Communication Barriers And Enhance Interprofessional Collaboration To Improve The Disaster Recovery Effort ▶Overcoming communication barriers is essential in improving coordination and disaster recovery efforts. ▶Communication is achieved by overcoming redundant techniques to initiate and achieve the appropriate recoveries (Kwame and Petrucka, 2021). ▶There should be a crisis communication team that designs and implement effective communication systems and maintaining efficient communication. ▶Interprofessional collaboration fosters a culture of open and honest communication that creates a free environment. ▶Villa can use multiple sources of communication with clear and concise language. Continuation ▶Effective communication and collaboration are essential for successful disaster recovery efforts. ▶A technology solution is essential in facilitating communication and collaboration in disaster recovery. ▶The interprofessional team's training and support help develop communication skills and knowledge of significant disaster recovery efforts (Madrigano et al., 2017). ▶Clear lines of communication should be established to ensure every individual involved in the recovery effort is on the same page and able to communicate effectively. ▶The professionals should use common terminologies that help improve the understanding and facilitate communication between professionals and patients from diverse cultures. ...
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