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Social Sciences
Reaction Paper
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Forced Sterilization (Reaction Paper Sample)

The instructions required a personal reaction on forced sterilization in the society, identifying the ethical basis of the act and how it goes against the moral norms which informs societal practices. The reaction paper also required a response on how the government and social institutions should be involved in addressing the issue, through legal means and regulatory factors that emphasizes on human rights. source..
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Forced Sterilization Coerced sterilization is an inhumane act which does not abide by the ethical and morals that define responsibilities of medical practitioners. The acts stimulate the sense on how some people in the society pose a vital vice that is against the righteous and justified practices which have objectives to promote human welfare and the moral jurisdictions of the society. In my opinion, it is an act that critically addresses the extensive nature of how discriminatory practices are comprehensive and causes extreme affliction of grief and pain to the victims. Furthermore, it is an immoral act that goes against the rights of people, violates their freedom to consent and intimidates the authenticity and integrity of humanity. Therefore, it is essential for governments and responsible authorities to take necessary actions to address the prevalence of the practice. It is also crucial for perpetrators to be sort after and prosecuted accordingly. Based on the prevalence of the violations of human rights across various regions in the world, I think governments and responsible international authorities do not uphold their key responsibilities to address the concerns. Although in some regions specific nations seem to put up measures that respon...
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