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Social Attitudes (Reaction Paper Sample)

one was required to take a quiz which was tested on matters such as racism, and other social factors. after taking the test, you were to report on the same and propose different ways in which you will improve on it. the test was measuring on implicit behaviours which were to be reported on. the reaction was to be 1 page with at least 3 references source..
SOCIAL ATTITUDES Name: University Project Implicit Paper Date Social Attitudes I undertook the IAT quizzes on sexuality, race and religion. From the results, about sexuality, my responses suggested that I have automatic preference for straight people over gays with leading 25% preference over straight people. About race, the results showed that I have preference of whites over blacks mostly the European American than black American. About religion, the results suggested that I prefer Judaism over Christianity. I had mixed reaction towards the results but considered that the analysis could be true. For the first test concerning sexuality, it was true that I prefer straight people over gays following my strong religion beliefs about sexuality and purity. Personally I like heterosexual relationships but I do not hate nor love homosexuality. The other two tests were compromising with my mindset. For the religion, I grown up in Christianity life and therefore I expected that the results could be that I prefer Christianity over Judaism but it was the opposite. Also to my surprise, results suggested I prefer whites over blacks. I could not think this but it can also be true because I have not interacted with blacks more. Using implicit measures of attitudes is significant in advancing the understanding of communication process and mechanism. The measures are the automatically activated attitudes towards some incidences, which have the potential to expose quick decisions and responses with little consciousness of the individual taking the test up to some extent (Goodall, 2011). Research has shown that there is reduced care of heterosexual nurses for homosexual patients due to preference (Sabin et al, 2015) racial disparities have provided differences in healthcare production services by nurses due to existing systemic racism among communities (Popejoy et al, 2022). There are also disparities in healthcare sector due to differences in religion and culture of individuals like the healthcare discrimination of Muslims in US (Martin, 2015). A nursing should be a non-discrimination career where the nurse professionals should not be biased nor prefer to care for certain social attitudes in patients so as to promote healthcare services. According to my implicit results on social atti...
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