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Media Bias (Reaction Paper Sample)

This task is about media bias and its implications. The instructions required the writer to write a letter to a media company editor, reacting to an article considered to be biased. The title of the letter reads "Too much feminism can ruin a woman’s reputation". after reading the recommended article “Kyrsten Sinema Begs Repblicans for Cash, Calls Democrats ‘Old Dudes Eating Jell-o”, published by Jezebel magazine, the writer was supposed to identify the bias and respond to it in a one double-spaced, APA-style paper. source..
Name Course Tutor Date Letters to the Editor Dear editor, Too much feminism can ruin a woman’s reputation The letter corrects Susan Rinkunas, author of Jezebel’s “Kyrsten Sinema Begs Repblicans for Cash, Calls Democrats ‘Old Dudes Eating Jell-o” (March 23, 2023). The author is offended by Sinema’s move to an independent politician. The news article focuses on Sinema as the main character. The author highlights Sinema’s insults and unusual conduct, like ‘begging’ for money from Republicans. The author says, “Sinema is “rac[ing] to stockpile campaign money and post an impressive, statement-making first-quarter fundraising number”—her first quarter since leaving the Democratic Party” (par. 2). As the name suggests, Jezebel is a feminist media that focuses on women. The information should have (see The correction is crucial as it will prevent bias against women. The story is full of Sinema did this, Sinema did that, and apparently, most of the doings skew to the left. Yours Sincerely, [Name] Works Cited Rinkunas, Susan. “Kyrsten Sinema Begs Repblicans for Cash, Calls Democrats ‘Old Dudes Eating Jell-o.” Jezebel’s March 23, 2023. Dear editor, Breitbart News Network, Stop shaming and mis-contextualizing Sinema This letter reproofs Breitbart News Network’s writer Nick Gilberton who wrote an article titled “Kyrsten Sinema Rips Democrats as Self-Lauding ‘Old Dudes Eating Jello” (March 23, 2023). The article shames democrats by focusing on negative words used against the party. The main problem with the coverage is that it has taken the story out of context by focusing on remarks where Sinema ditches the Democratic Party. In other words, the author seems to celebrate the downfall of the democrats. The article is partisan by showing support for GOP. The source, Politico, talks much more about Sinema than just dissing her former political party. “Senema rips Democrats…” (title). “Sinema has taken aim at Democrat colleagues, including Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, as well as President Joe Biden’s former White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain” (par. 1). The article should have covered more information about Sinema’s move other than content showing rightist remarks (see source Breitbart News Network is a syndicated media. The owner, Andrew Breitbart, and his audience are open supporters of the right political spectrum, owing to his support of republicans and staunch reps like former President Donald Trump (see It is essential to correct that biasness to avoid putting Democratic Party in bad light and tarnishing its name. Focusing on democrats as ‘old dudes eating jello could skew the public to the right and that might adversely affect the elections, even when someone with great potential vies with the Democratic Party. Respectfully, [Name] Works Cited Gilberton, Nick. “Kyrsten Sinema Rips Democrats as Self-Lauding ‘Old Dudes Eating Jello.” Accessed March 23, 2023 from Appendices Letter to the Editor Planner To help confirm you are ready to write each one of your letters to the editor, fill out the graphic organizer below with notes from your analysis of each of the articles you will write about. You should make two copies of this planner, and fill out one for each of the articles you will respond to. You do not have to write in complete sentences for this assignment. It is a planner to help you get the content and structure of your letters ready before you begin to write the letters. Appendix 1: Planner for Jezebel’s article Begin with an opening salutation to the editor(s) of the specific publication to which you are writing. (for example: Dear Editor) Dear editor, Jezebel State what the letter is about: title of the article you are responding to (in quotation marks), the author’s full name, and date of publication: The letter corrects Susan Rinkunas author of “Kyrsten Sinema Begs Repblicans for Cash, Calls Democrats ‘Old Dudes Eating Jell-o” Your Main Idea, a clear statement about the misleading coverage you have identified in the article: The author is clearly offended by Sinema’s move to an independent politician What was the misleading coverage? Explain the main problem with the coverage: The news article focuses on Sinema as the main character. The author highlights Sinema’s insults and unusual conduct like ‘begging’ for money from Reoublicans. Use quotes or paraphrase to showcase the misleading coverage/problematic aspect(s) of the article: “Sinema is “rac[ing] to stockpile campaign money and post an impressive, statement-making first-quarter fundraising number”—her first quarter since leaving the Democratic party” (par. 2). Explain how the information should be presented more accurately. Use your SIFT and lateral reading work to fill in this box. Use hyperlinks to document your evidence from more accurate sources: As the name suggests, Jezebel is a feminist media that focuses on women. The information should have (see Conclude with a statement about why this matters, and how important it is to provide public correction: The correction is crucial as it will prevent casting omen on bad light. The story is full of Sinema did this, Sinema did that, and apparently most of the doings skew to the left. Sign your letter with a closing salutation, such as Sincerely, Yours Truly, Respectfully, etc. Then include your first and last name. Yours Sincerely, [Name] Appendix 2: Planner for Breitbart’s article Begin with an opening salutation to the editor(s) of the specific publication to which you are writing. (fo...
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