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What Claims does Smith make and How does She use Evidence to Support her Claims? (Reaction Paper Sample)


what claims does Smith make and how does she use evidence to support her claims?

Smith, Andrea. "Queer Theory and Native Studies: The Heteronormativity of Settler Colonialism." GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian & Gay Studies 16.1/2 (2010): 41-68.
In this article, the author was interested in presenting a critical analysis of colonialism of settlers and not just the native studies of the queer theory (Smith 41). This is because the queer theory was just used in representing the people at the queer level and neglecting its analysis. In addressing the queer theory and studies of the natives, Smith provides a starting point in which enables the native studies in escaping their ethnographic nature. Hence, the author went beyond and presented the analysis of identity and representation of politics. The queer native subject has been addressed by many indigenous scholars through reformulation of native studies, which takes into account position of native studies and not just analysis of the subject in queer theory. The author claims that native people have been neglected and theory challenges not addressed. In addition, Smith wanted the reader to understand the connection of various disciplines in achieving change. In forming alliances, there is a chance of achieve changes rather than having intellectual isolation. This is because combining various disciplines helps in focusing to wider extent the normalization as the site in which social violence is able to demonstrate the broader application of native studies. In order to prove her claims the author sheds light on the functioning of native people within the context of colonial imaginary. She uses examples from prominent scholars such as Renya Ramirez ethnography and Munoz Model. The author uses Munoz’s model of disidentifcation in explaining his aspect of decolonisation. This is because the model recognizes the shifting of terrain in terms of...
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