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Alternative Farming, Food Security and Climate Change/Global Warming Effect On Agriculture (Research Paper Sample)

Summary of Assignment Writing Assignment #4 The Multiple-Source Synthesis Essay: Literature Review · Task: The multiple-source essay asks you to synthesize the arguments of at least 10 sources · Length: 2000-3000 words · Format: APA · Sources: a total of at least 10 sources, all of which should be from scholarly journals or credible trade journals. You should find your sources through library searches. o If you cite sources from websites or popular journals, these sources should be in addition to the 10 sources you have cited from scholarly or trade journals. · Topic: Please use the same topic that you used for writing assignment #3. It is recommended that you focus on or expand on the essay that you wrote for writing assignment #3. You will continue with the topic you have selected and will conduct additional searches in the library databases, hopefully focus the topic more, and determine the 10 or more sources to use in this essay. · Integration of Sources: At least eight sources must be cited in the body of the essay. You may cite sources in your introduction to help you define terms, and you may cite sources in your conclusion to help you direct the reader to further inquiry. However, the body of the essay should synthesize at least eight sources. Strategies in Developing the Topic for this Essay Up to this point in the semester, you have completed an annotated bibliography. You have also incorporated and synthesized four sources into writing assignment #2 and six sources into writing assignment #3. The work you have completed for these assignments provides a solid foundation for writing assignment #4. In this assignment you will synthesize the ideas of at least 10 sources in a synthesis essay, or literature review. For your annotated bibliography, you selected a topic based on your interests and, possibly, your major. You constructed a list of five references and summarized and critically analyzed them in 150-200 words each. You then completed the four-source essay and the six-source essay. Through this process, you may have seen patterns in the scholarly literature in the topic on which you conducted research. For example, consider the following examples: • You may have researched studies in criminal justice and found that there are varying opinions on how to respond to criminal behavior among youth. • ·You may have researched studies in psychology and found that counseling strategies for victims of domestic abuse tend to fall into four categories. • ·You may have researched articles on gerontology and found studies that answered three basic questions on how older adults respond to training for physical performance. • ·You may have researched articles on environmental management and found studies on climate change. You noticed that various demographic factors influence whether individuals believe in climate change and, if so, whether they believe it is caused by human activity. In the synthesis essay, you will focus your research efforts in a particular area, perhaps as a response to what you found while writing the annotated bibliography and in constructing the four-source and six-source essays. You will then conduct more research and synthesize your findings in this literature review. Please note that the annotated bibliography, the four-source essay, and the six-source essay represent a journey in your research. You might decide to disregard several of the articles you analyzed in the critical annotated bibliography or in the following two essays because they don’t speak to the specific area on which you have decided to write your multiple-source literature review. You might select one article that you analyzed in the critical annotated bibliography, look up the articles cited in that article, and “snowball” your research in that way. In other words, this process is a recursive one. You might find reasons to hone in on and narrow your topic even further after you have written the annotated bibliography. For these reasons, you are strongly encouraged to write on the same general topic on which you wrote writing assignment #3. You might focus the topic more for writing assignment #4. Or you might expand on the topic for writing assignment #4. How to organize the multiple-source essay: You will divide the essay into categories. Each category will be labelled with a heading. In order for you to see this concept with a real-life example, you can access a sample synthesis or literature review from a psychology student by clicking here. ( The student writes her paper on the following topic: Emotional Eating: The Perpetual Cycle of Mood-Food Influence. She divides her literature into the following categories, which are used as headings throughout the paper: • Influence of Mood on Eating Behavior • Gender Differences • Influence of Eating Behavior on Later Moods • Chronic Stress Response Network Notice how she synthesizes and integrates the research into the different categories, labelled by headings. Strategies in Developing Categories When you have focused on your topic, determine how you will divide the literature. In other words, consider the following examples we described above: You may have researched studies in criminal justice and found that there are varying opinions on how to respond to criminal behavior among youth. You might divide the paper as follows: Introduction Body ·Category 1: “A” view on responding to criminal behavior. ·Category 2: “B” view on responding to criminal behavior. ·Category 3: “C” view on responding to criminal behavior. ·Category 4: “D” view on responding to criminal behavior. Conclusion You may have researched studies in psychology and found that counseling strategies for victims of domestic abuse tend to fall into four categories. You might divide the paper as follows: Introduction Body ·Category 1: “A” counseling strategy for victims of child abuse ·Category 2: “B” counseling strategy for victims of child abuse ·Category 3: “C” counseling strategy for victims of child abuse ·Category 4: “D” counseling strategy for victims of child abuse Conclusion You may have researched articles on gerontology and found studies that answered three basic questions on how older adults respond to training for physical performance. You might divide the paper as follows: Introduction Body ·Question 1 ·Question 2 ·Question 3 Conclusion You may have researched articles on environmental management and found studies on climate change. You noticed that various demographic factors influence whether individuals believe in climate change and, if so, whether they believe it is caused by human activity. You might divide the paper as follows: Introduction Body ·Political affiliation and its impact on belief in climate change ·Socio-economic status and its impact on belief in climate change ·Religious and other influences on belief in climate change Conclusion Point of view For this essay, you will use third-person point of view. Please do not use first person point of view (e.g., “I,” “me,” “we”) in writing this essay. In addition, please do not use second-person point of view (“you” or “your”) in writing this essay. For example, instead of “Smith argues that, as a director, you have a duty to coordinate cybersecurity efforts...” you would write, “Smith argues that directors have a duty to coordinate cybersecurity efforts...” APA Style The paper should be formatted in APA style. The link “APA 7th edition example student paper” from Week 3 will be a helpful resource. In summary, you should observe the following: · Use one-inch margins. · Double space. · Use size 12 Times New Roman font. · Include a running head. · Include page numbers. · Include a title page. · Include a “References” page on which you list the articles in APA style · Do not include an abstract. This paper is not long enough to warrant an abstract. Submitting the assignment: You will submit a first draft of the essay to the assignment folder. The first draft will not be graded. The instructor will provide comments to it. After receiving comments from the instructor, you will submit a revised draft. The final draft will be graded. Helpful Resources · Graff, G. and Birkenstein, C., They Say / I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing with Readings. This chapter in in the e-reserves of our class. It mentions various techniques to apply in stating what an author said and your response to the author. It is recommended that you read through that chapter so that you might apply these techniques to this essay. source..
Effect on Agriculture Student Name University Name Course Number and Name Instructor Name Assignment Due Date Effect on Agriculture Recent measures have increased global food production to help curb the increasing demand. In recent statistics, FAQ project an increase of 70% in cereal demand by 2050, which might double in counties with lower revenues. Urban food production has increased to meet the demand that is also rising each day. However, poor food management in homes, incapability to protect and store food in the marketplaces, and non-market may restrict food safety even in nations with abundant food (Sonnino, 2016). Such aspects might lead to low dietary and nutrition options that upsurge health issues in specific populations. All these issues are due to climate variation, which is a global issue in the current century. Agricultural boards have projected an increase in the agricultural sector's farming risks and production power due to climate change. Moreover, climate change has led to increased temperature, frequency intensity, rainfall variations, and intense weather conditions, exerting pressure on global agricultural and food systems. The paper seeks to expound on weather variation and global warming on farming and devise alternative solutions towards the future climate. Problem Statement Global warming is the leading and most complex problem affecting the agricultural diversity of the planet currently. Since the industrial revolution, the climate has changed due to increased warmth and reduced favorable conditions of the dynamic human activities, which have changed the composition of atmosphere. Climate change has negatively affected crop and livestock production systems in most regions globally due to the varying weather environments. The population cannot perceive the effects of climate change though they are significantly increasing. With no time, agricultural resources will dry up, therefore limiting human population survival options. Future food production and farming resources are incredibly susceptible to air pollution and climate variation, which pose food security risk factors. Agricultural personnel and authority can devise essential strategies and solutions to reduce climate change and prevent environmental degradation by human activities. Climate Variation and Ozone Contamination and Its Effects on Agriculture The worldwide food demand is predicted to rise by 50% between 2010 to 2050 due to a shift in dietary plans and population growth (Tai, Martin, & Heald, 2014). However, future production is sensitive to changing weather and air pollution due to daily weather dynamics. According to Tai, Martin, & Heald (2014), ozone regulation and climate adaptation have been identified as vital strategies that can be applied to help safeguard food production and agricultural resources. Limited information is available on how the ozone layer and climate pollution interact to impact agriculture and its efficiency to regions and crops. However. Tai, Martin, & Heald (2014) state that CO2 is known to be the compound and possibly having the most damaging effects on worldwide food production and agricultural resources. CO2 is a significant contributor to increased global warming and precipitation. Global warming reduces global food production hence worsening worldwide malnutrition. On the other side, ozone trends have aggravated and caused a large percentage of weather impacts, suggesting air quality management for agricultural processes. Solutions towards Climate Change Reinforcement of the available rules and regulations can help reduce the economic impact and agricultural effects. Agricultural and climate personnel can help diminish human action by educating and creating awareness for people to change to renewable energies to minimize climate effects. The government can promote plans that help in sustainable, eco-friendly transportation to reduce greenhouses from motorists. Authorities can help minimize human action by employing strategies that stop fossil fuel consumption, industrial waste, and emissions. The government and specific stakeholders should suggest careful crop management, such as ozone-resistant cultivars, to promote sustainability in nutritious food production in urban and rural areas. Stakeholders should devise particular strategies that can help encourage crop management practices to co-benefit overall public health. Ozone regulation practices might prove a preferable and practical alternative to secure global food production of essential crops. The collaboration of workers, air quality managers, and agricultural policymakers is also necessary to help achieve coordinated goals concerning agricultural plans and food security. Food Insecurity and Its Effect on Agriculture Food security has been a major concern due to decreasing agricultural resources and high poverty zones (Sonnino, 2016). Urban agriculture helps address issues related to food security by promoting aesthetics, recreation, and biodiversity. However, some of these areas no longer possess agricultural resources to produce food for household use. Therefore, urban agriculture has played a major part in the global sphere to produce food alternatively. However, climate change issues have challenged urban agricultural farming (Parece, Serrano & Campbell 2017). Lower-income families have experienced food shortages due to socio-economic inequalities like poverty and lack of economic and social power. Urban disparities have been a major issue in access to nutritious and affordable food due to insecurity (Parece, Serrano & Campbell, 2017). The agricultural department states that food insecurity is inadequate access to enough nutritious and healthy food for a healthy and active life. Food insecurity is a key challenge in most households; for instance, in 2014, 45.6 million people, who amount to 4.3% of US households, were food insecure. The problem varies across nations, with socio-economic and diverse demographic characteristics. Food insecurity affects agriculture plans due to corruption, misappropriation of agricultural project plans, and the high importation rates. Some rural farmers' agricultural production lacks quality nutrition due to inadequate support from the government and specific agricultural stakeholders. According to Parece, Serrano & Campbell (2017), urban food workers need support from the government and the agricultural department to produce more healthy and nutritious food and curb the growing demand. Solutions Towards Food Security Agricultural and food authorities can employ special and sectorial policies to curb food security. Since some of the present agricultural resources are no longer working, there is a need for urban food plans and agricultural support. Countries like Canada, the UK, and the US have increased municipal councils to devise policies that will help structure more collaborative relations between food producers and consumers. Moreover, the plans are also open for the urban and rural areas' collective effort to improve food security. Implementing innovations like alternative food solutions is also a plan that can promote a new variable, ecological and socio-economic change in the environment and agricultural sector. There is a need for a novel approach that bridges the gap between supply and demand and macro and micro views on food security. The state should secure appropriate food quantities to reduce financial and human costs that worsen the ecological systems, public health, and agricultural resources. The government and local administrations should firmly fix agricultural resources and enhance productivity for the growing and progressively intense urban populations. World Health Organization supports shifting to alternative agricultural resources for growing healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, and lean protein sources to curb food demand and reduce food insecurity. Food Systems and Effect on Agriculture Food systems have played a major role in impacting the general agricultural sector. The current food system shows that food processing, production, and transportation have a detrimental effect on the environment through deforestation. Additionally, food processing has also been criticized for promoting the loss of diversity, infusing 25% of the total greenhouse emissions in the world, and water pollution (Freudenberg & Nestle, 2020). Such factors lead to negative climate change, which aggravates food insecurity, harm farmers, deepen food insecurity, food loss, and waste. Reduced soil productivity is also a factor caused by the influx of fertilizers, factory waste, which led to acidification of water bodies for agriculture hence the death of minerals and microorganisms. Over the two decades, a low wage food labor force has normalized the economic inequality that is in the food system. Investors and executives in agricultural boards take much of the system's revenues, reducing workplace safety, upsurge economic safety, close labor organizations, and other agricultural resources protection (Freudenberg & Nestle, 2020). Such factors have worsened the lives of urban and rural agricultural workers. Food systems have contributed to environmental degradation, ill health, and inequality from the agricultural resources, markets, and government departments. Solution for Food Systems The first element is identifying the major food strategies and creating awareness to promote a novel alteration in food systems. The citizens also have a major role in food security, safety, and protection, supporting food systems. The recognition of food as a new plan arena for the city administrations can inspire determined organizations towards being ambassadors of change. For instance, the Toronto approach has offered the city a standing novation and status as a global food rational and achievement champion. New York is also developing an aspiring leadership ...
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