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Advertising in the UAE Business & Marketing Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)




Advertising in the UAE
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Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc480314314 \h 3Introduction PAGEREF _Toc480314315 \h 3Methodology PAGEREF _Toc480314316 \h 3Findings PAGEREF _Toc480314317 \h 4Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc480314318 \h 4Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc480314319 \h 5Appendix PAGEREF _Toc480314320 \h 7
United Arab Emirates definition is a dynamic and modern country that is characterised by ultramodern malls that are stocked with virtually all products that would interest people from all over the world. For this reason it has become an international business hub. Many international companies and businesses therefore choose to pin their advertisements in UAE in an endeavour to attract potential buyers (Nickerson & Camiciottoli, 2013). However the question of which language to use in the advertisement has always arisen. This report seek to explore the most appealing language that would rhyme well with a large proportion of the population.
Arabic is the native language spoken in the United Arabs Emirates. Surprisingly amid the overwhelming engulfment of the country by people from all walks of life, Arabic is still prevalent. However for smooth flow of day to day operations, English being a more universal language has been adopted as a lingua franca. More than two billion people are known to have English working knowledge. It is become the most common language in both developing and developed countries. The UAE hasn’t been left behind. Children in both public and private schools are being equipped with it. Business interaction require that the transacting parties be able to communicate and understand each other effectively (Nickerson & Camiciottoli, 2013). As enterprising as the Emiratis are, they have fully acknowledged that English is fundamental and have learnt it. This report seek to explore the most appealing language that would rhyme well with a large proportion of the Emiratis

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