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Economic and Demographic Motivation (Research Paper Sample)

This is a research paper on educational policymaking in the United States. It examines how economic and demographic factors influence the development of educational policies, specifically focusing on the SB23-029 bill in the US and the HB525 bill passed in the Virginia House. The paper highlights the importance of considering economic and demographic trends to address the challenges the public education system faces. source..
Economic and Demographic Motivation Name Institution Course tutor Date Economic and Demographic Motivation Educational policies are critical in ensuring institutions are run according to the stipulated laws. If these laws are not adhered to, undesirable consequences could result, and the prescribed policy measures might be implemented. In making such policies, school administrators in the US have mastered the environmental context and society's needs. They can predict and effectively adapt to policy changes (Fowler, 2013). Moreover, educational policies minimize time, resources, and energy waste on irrelevant educational activities. Lastly, school administrators can also visualize the overarching goals of educational policies. School traditions, structures, values, demographics, and economic trends are among the key elements considered in coming up with educational policies. This paper shall, therefore, expound on demographic and economic motivators in the bill of SB23-029 in the US. The paper further addresses how other states make educational policies, for instance, the HB525 bill passed in the Virginia House. The role of economic aspects in educational policymaking cannot be overstated. They are crucial in enabling financial stability in policy implementation. Educational stakeholders in the US have carefully considered the country’s economic climate and structure in making policies. Economic motivators in policy-making are encompassed in the country’s short-term, intermediary and long-term economic indicators (Fowler, 2013). Political influence on the economic aspects has also been a significant motivator for educational policymakers. The American business cycle, a short-term economic aspect, involves recession and expansion. During the expansion, the country enjoys high production, job opportunities, and increased business profits (Parolin et al., 2021). US educational stakeholders monitor the business cycle by reading news updates to enhance awareness. As a result of tax expansion in the business cycle, funds are made available to facilitate public education. Moreover, educational policymakers in the US are motivated by long-term economic factors. As such, they look into the country’s inflation rate, debt burden, globalization aspects, economic growth rate, and the existing gap between the poor and the rich. Educational policymakers should also emphasize the demographic nature of a country. In the US, policymakers have looked into the type of population, their characteristics, and the changes that occur occasionally. Demographic nature has affected educational policy in the US, especially after the world war. The population of learners increased, forcing them to hire more teachers, build more classes and equip the schools with learning materials. Aging and declining school populations create unique challenges for schools, and therefore, policymakers should be equipped with trends in demography to enable them to set effective policies (Parolin et al., 2021). According to demographic trends in the US, among school children, the majority are brought up in poverty, have poor healthcare, poor nutrition, stress, and transience. Some have unique educational and social needs, like bilingual challenges brought about by the US's diverse population (Fowler, 2013). Therefore, policymakers in the US are guided by migration and immigration, the aging population, increased diversity, and suburbanization demographic trends in educational policymaking. On the other hand, the Virginia House passed the HB525 bill, which also gave policies that influenced educational practices. The bill emphasized hazing institutional policies in higher educational institutions and making the institutions nonprofit organizations. The bill also establishes hazing-related obligations for nonprofit, private, and public higher education institutions, and identifies the many groups at these institutions to which the regulations apply (Orenstein et al., 2020). Moreover, the legislation mandates that each institution's governing board include a provision for protection from disciplinary action as a comp...
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