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A Marketing Plan for a new Brand to be Introduced in the Market (Research Paper Sample)
in this paper i was supposed to write a marketing plan for a new brand to be introduced in the market.
Marketing Plan
1 Mission Statement
The company is involved in the manufacture of a wide range of industrial equipment that are used in large-scale construction works. The equipment includes bulldozers, earthmoving equipment among others. They intend to introduce an electric car in the market known as Onm. The Onm will be a medium sized, four door car suitable for any family. The car is expected to charge through any normal hose that are easily found in any garage across the globe and is expected to cover 200 miles on a single charge. In addition, the car can reach a speed of 80 miles per hour. It is imperative to note that this company has not been in any business of manufacturing and selling cars in the past. Therefore, this is their first attempt to manufacture vehicles.
The mission of launching Onm is to eradicate or reduce environmental pollution, which has been a major issue over the recent years, particularly due to the amplified negative impact of global warming. The company also intends to expand the variety of car accessories in the market in the future. The key mission of any company is to maximize profits from its operations. The chief objective of this company is to maximize the shareholder wealth while at the same time minimizing risks involved through diversifying their investments. Launching Onm will be a paramount step towards achieving their mission as a manufacturing company.
2 Marketing Objective
There are numerous marketing objectives that this company intends to attain in the long run after launching the first car products in the global market. These objectives include:
* To increase sales as well as profits realized from Onm with 15% annually in the next 5 years.
* To ensure that the Onm and car accessories respond to the pertinent needs of the targeted clientele.
* To ensure that this company is able to control at least 20% of the world car market in the next five years after the launch of Onm.
3 Marketing Plan
The company needs to make efforts towards increasing the number of clients using electric cars with the motive of conserving the environment. The company will be selling Onm vehicles at affordable prices to make them affordable to their target middle and low income earning customers. After identifying the target market, the company will get an idea on how to win them, most firms take several approaches such as a mix of individual offering, advertising. In the case of this company, they can use sales and advertising promotion strategies.
Advertising is a tool intended to induce potential customers to pick the item over that of the con...
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