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Social movement (Research Paper Sample)

Assignment Type: Annotated Bibliography Service: Writing Pages/Words: 27 pages / 6500 words (Double spacing) Education Level: University Language: English (US) Assignment Topic: Social Movements and Social Justice Subject: Sociology Sources: 27 NSTRUCTIONS: instructions have been uploaded. The articles to be annotated are listed in the document. Any issues just let me know source..
Social Movement Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Due Date Pleyers, G. (2020). The pandemic is a battlefield. Social movements in the COVID-19 lockdown. Journal of Civil Society, 16(4), 1–18. In the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, Pleyers investigates how social movements have been influenced and reacted upon in this article. Things like lockdown tactics have ended substantial democratic uprisings around March and May 2020, and the infection rate became the primary political concern and press release. Social movements often responded to unforeseen conditions but have been exceptionally active throughout this challenging era, far from vanishing. The article's first part outlines indigenous movements' efforts to fill five positions. The second segment focuses on the debate about the crises' significance. While socialist academics and groups believe the COVID-19 epidemic has provided possibilities to construct a more equitable society, they compete with conservative, capitalist, and governmental actors to frame the significance of the catastrophe and the future that may emerge. Even during the lockdown, the severity of social justice movements' activities may have shown the contours of a worldwide surge of movements, expressed in innumerable local responses to a momentous occasion that has impacted billions of people's lives. The article draws together facts and analyses obtained across Spanish, French, English, and Portuguese. It uses three different types of sources. First, the story is based on information from national, local, and international news sources during the March to May 2020 lockdown. On the reported incidents, evidence was double-checked by engaging at least two news organizations. Second, as the health crisis fueled greater digitization of their operations and means of coordinating, movements groups' and webinars, online publications, activist networks' websites, and social media became crucial sources. Third, during the early weeks of the onset of the pandemic, social scientists were highly productive. They have shown the crises' social and political aspects. Whenever it relates to the disease's lethal repercussions, health care policy and societal inequities matter just as much as how our brain reacts to it. Andrée, P., Clark, J. K., Levkoe, C. Z., & Lowitt, K. (2019). Civil Society and Social Movements in Food System Governance. In Taylor & Francis. Andrée et al. (2019) shed light on how modern food systems are governed and how this book's social movements are revolutionizing. As the world's food production confronts many dangers and difficulties, civil society and social movements have an option to complete a more important role in promoting social justice and environmental sustainability. The book also demonstrates possible methods for actors to contribute to government, focusing on research articles from the USA, New Zealand, Europe, and Canada. The authors discuss vital points such as self-governance, co-governance, multi-stakeholders, the power and values dynamics that underlie these various types of effective governance, appropriate responses for obtaining good objectives and ideals, and the widening networks social which may be stimulated to support change. The book provides ideas for people exploring current food networks and their continuing development by studying and comparing several governing solutions of various sizes. It would be of concern to policymakers and non-governmental organizations with such an impact on the food system and food research staff and students in geology, anthropology, planning, policy studies, health sciences, environmental studies, and sociology. As the world's food systems confront many dangers and difficulties, social movements and civil society groups have the potential to take more action to promote social justice and environmental sustainability. Many of these organizations have tried to scale up their efforts to address larger issues and play a relevant relate in food systems regulation, and establish place-based activities. Mundt, M., Ross, K., & Burnett, C. M. (2018). Scaling Social Movements Through Social Media: The Case of Black Lives Matter. Social Media + society, 4(4), 1–14. In this article, Mundt, Ross, and Burnett analyze how social media might aid movements in strengthening themselves from within through scaling up. They are trying to climax the potential of social media for making a connection. These resources can be felt and mobilizing participants, coalition building, and amplifying substitute fictions, based on a case study concerning the BLM that contains both evaluations of the general populace social media profiles and discussions with BLM communities. They also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using social networking sites as a growing medium. Per our research, while the potential rewards outweigh the risks, appropriate management of online content networks is essential to prevent the concrete threats of physical violence that social media may represent to activists. They employed a mixed-methods study approach to examine how social media sites, particularly Twitter and Facebook, might give chances for activist organizations to widen movement influence, using the example of Black Lives Matter (BLM). We add to the existing revolutionary socialist literary works by emphasizing the relevance of social as a scalability device for improving and expanding the motion, particularly by allowing local BLM organizations to build coalitions and intensify and spread quasi information narratives about police misconduct Black freedom. The study also demonstrates the difficulties posed by social media use, which go beyond the constraints highlighted in previous empirical studies. Much social media study hasn't intensive process on enhancing the effectiveness of social movements. Current studies on the function of social networks in mass action, on the other hand, shed light on its significance in terms of mobilizing, collective meaning construction, and coalition building. These examples show how social media may help scale social change activities and the foundation for this research. Almeida, P., & Chase-Dunn, C. (2018). Globalization and Social Movements. Annual Review of Sociology, 44(1), 189–211. Almeida addresses the growing effect of global dynamics on social organizations and institutions in various dimensions in this book. The influence of economic globalization in creating social movements and collective action is the central topic that is mainly focused on in the context paper. Long-term general trends and civic participation are analyzed; second, investigation on locally and nationally struggles to economic globalization is explored. Which include blowback movements and the kinds of financial-economic liberalization most linked with trying to induce alternative political moves; and third, the occurrence of contemporary transnational widespread change is analyzed. Disputes on diffusion, intervention processes, and the results of required mass are due to international forces in each of these settings. In combination with rising globalization, studies on global widespread change have been increased during the last 20 years. The scholarship takes provincial social movement research undertaken by political scientists and sociologists to expand it worldwide. Transnational movements today face the same issues and concepts as state or national movements. Political opportunity formation, which has been used to evaluate the timings and results of domestic social movement groups' actions, is now being expanded to help explain how the global political arena influences events. A lot of the literature has indeed been particularly instance and centered on a small number of movements: indigenous and human rights, labor, women's rights, and environmental movements. This theory evolved, moving past adopting terms meant to demonstrate national and local movements to generating concepts and assertions specific to local-global. The absence of comparing theories and research growth is among the work's shortcomings too far. The next step of study should expand on the scientific investigations that have already been done by comparing and contrasting ideas. Tyler, T., & Smith, H. (2017). Working Paper Series Title Social Justice and Social Movements Publication Date. Tyler and Smith began the article with the assumption of climate justice that emphasizes a social justice issue at the core of climate change challenges and then conducted a comparative examination of urbanization patterns and recent insurgent tactics of social movements in Natal and So Paulo. It was discovered that social movements' promotion of the use of abandoned properties in central regions is connected with the inclusive fight against climate change. Conversely, issues such as an impasse on steps to enhance safety and fit the use of inhabited buildings and the implementation of the right into the city, including access to infrastructure and housing. Keywords like climate justice, social movements, and urban voids were used to find this article from the science direct academic database. The article provides detailed information about the topic of study, hence contributing a lot. Christopher, E. Smith. (2019). Redirecting...§ion=18 Christopher E.Smith describes the onset of Blue Lives Matter due to the BLM movement. The information resulted after the shooting of Michael Brown, an African-American teenager. The Blue Lives Matter organizations are meant to share a wo...
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