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Physical Attraction in the Internet Age (Research Paper Sample)
This paper tries to highlight the effects of online dating. It gives the main pointers to show the magnititude online dating has coursed in the society today. The third generation is slowly inclining to online dating. In no time online dating will soon replace the traditional form of dating.
Physical attraction in the internet age
(Date of presentation)
This paper tries to highlight the effects of online dating. It gives the main pointers to show the magnititude online dating has coursed in the society today. The third generation is slowly inclining to online dating. In no time online dating will soon replace the traditional form of dating.
In the current age internet has become the center of everything. May it be in business, social life or family life; internet has the effect in one way or the other. Unlike the olden days where people knew each other virtually before dating, the current world people are using all sorts of media to find love. Internet is one of the current modes of dating. Each day new dating sites are coming up. The youth now prefer to look for love through the internet. Just like the traditional form of dating internet dating it also has its pro and cons. However the internet the dangers are more but we should not deny the fact that some relationships have worked. Some people just get into the internet to find a way of making more friends but instead end up finding love.
Effects of online dating
As the world revolves people are missing time to socialize in that effect majority are turning to the internet to do this. For the people who have low self esteem meeting people via the net is a gift for them. The good part about the net one does not have to reveal their real identity. Therefore, if one has problems mingling the traditional way using the net they can pretend to what they are not and enjoy like the rest. The worst part about this effect it’s that it is easy for one to lose their real identity and start living a life which they have built in their minds. Eric Kristian on HYPERLINK "/list_7382427_psychological-effects-online-dating.html" /list_7382427_psychological-effects-online-dating.html believes that online dating has led to people living a lie. When a couple are having a problem in the current world, majority instead of finding ways to mend the problem they go to the net. Here they get to flirt and make other relations in a short while therefore, they easily walk way. Online dating has also led to people being distorted from the real world. Due to the busy schedules where people hardly get time to go out and enjoy themselves this has led to people to look for other ways to mingle. Out of this it has led people to lack the interest with socializing virtually. . The other aspect why online dating is been accepted it’s because of the variety it offers. Some believe the traditional way does not give the diversity of one to date unlike the online dating one can date people from all over the world. In it all online dating in relation to the traditional way has brought a lot of dishonesty in spite it being more interesting.
Physical attraction and intimate relation
In most cases in online dating physical attraction comes way after the attraction itself has occurred. In traditional dating the physical attraction in most cases leads to the formation of the intimate relation. Most scholars argue that with online dating the intimate relation hardly occurs. However some say intimate relations in the internet occurs even before the physical attraction. Most cases in the internet most people start by having sexual flirts hence leading to the intimate relation. Though in most cases people get to the internet in search of compatibility when it comes to real life the physical attraction in most cases it fails. This normally occurs because most of the people dating take another personality hence hide their real identity. Therefore, when the couple finally meets they do not match. Psychologically this may damage one of the partner’s perceptions about people. For instance if one of the partners was honest and the one was lying about their physical appearance the intimacy might be affect and the person involved may stop trusting people. In relation to Donn, J., & Sherman, R. (2002). Attitudes and practices regarding the formation of romantic relationships on the Internet. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 5 (2), 107-123. The perception one gives the first time they start dating will determine what kind of intimacy will be formed. Therefore, if one is honest when the couple meet their relation will be on a study ground unlike the times when they lie. However, currently some dating sites are encouraging online dating on where the two people can see each other via webcams. Sites like they give the daters an opportunity to filter their partners to have full suitability. This is can through the webcams they have and the personality traits they give.
Group norms
In traditional dating one was first encouraged to know the person before forming any intimacy however in online dating most of the norms are hardly followed. Research has shown that most people who flirt online in most cases end up frequently masturbating. When it comes to reality one finds it had to have formal intimacy when it comes traditional dating. Nowadays over 29million people are practicing online dating. This has help reduce stigmatization that came with it. The affordable internet has led people to believe the internet to be the most viable way to meet different people. Greene, K., Derlega, V. L., & Mathews, A. (2006). Self-disclosure in personal relationships. In A. Vangelisti & D. Perlman (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Personal Relationships. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press encourages the online dating for it helps the people who are shy to find a place to express themselves.
The effects of another person during online dating
As it is said three is a crowd this also occurs during online dating. Therefore, when one is dating online in most cases they are expressing their inner most desires. In the traditional dating it is common to find a third person involved. This person may be the one who introduced the couple to each other. However in online dating that is very rare. Whenever a third person is involved in online dating in most cases one will be playing with the psychology of the other. In most cases lies will be more. Even if one may want to be honest because of the level of intimacy in the dating one may feel to expose hence end up lying.
Advantages and disadvantages of online dating
Some people are very shy and find it hard to talk with people virtually therefore, using the online dating sites helps them to express themselves. Online dating also helps the youth to evaluate each other from a distance. Some sites such as and it gives one the opportunity to analyze and critique ones behavior before they can chat. According to HYPERLINK "/internet-dating-versus-traditional-dating.php" /internet-dating-versus-traditional-dating.php if one is a member of these sites one can pre-screen the qualities of the other person till they get the traits they want. The internet is also gaining popularity because of how it is cheap and competition in it makes it even juicer. The dating becomes more interesting because of th...
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