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Contemporary Issue Paper. Education Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


Write a paper that critically discusses a contemporary educational issue in which Biblical principles conflict with legal and societal expectations. Choose an issue that you can both critically analyze by applying course concepts and research from a scholarly perspective. The paper must incorporate at least 5 scholarly sources with correct in-text citations and must be in current APA format. I.e APA 7th Edition


Sex Education
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Sex Education
Nearly all students in the United States get sex education more than once from grades 7 to 12. Several schools start teaching some areas as early as grade 4. Nevertheless, what they learn differs widely due to a lack of centralization of curriculum choices. Christians believe that schools must provide students with biblically-grounded sex teachings. They blame society's view of sex education because they trust that it has misrepresented God's initial purpose for sex, causing havoc on the youth’s spiritual, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Lindberg, Maddow-Zimet & Boonstra (2016) state that numerous countries have laws regulating what teachers should teach in sex education lessons or consenting parents to opt-out.
The Bible teaches against sex before marriage, and therefore all Christians who are not married are supposed to practice abstinence. 

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