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Dissecting a Quantitative Research Report Education Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


The paper was about the analysis/ dissection of a dissertation paper on education.
The research paper was qualitative and I was to analyze and dissect it in terms of introduction, limitations, sampling, methodology as per an attached


Dissecting a Quantitative Research Report
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Dissecting a Quantitative Research Report
The research study examines racial stigmatization, racial climate, and academic motivation for women who live in diverse communities dominated by whites. Society is composed of individuals from different ethnic and cultural groups. There is a theory that the minority group is most affected in the diverse community and are not equally treated as the dominant population. The authors of the article have used a comparative lens in highlighting the experiences of black women compared to white women. The piece also examined the motivational beliefs and racialized experiences of Black women across STEM and non-STEM majors. Black women experience a very hostile racial climate and less academic satisfaction compared to women from other ethnic groups.

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