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Leading Change in Healthcare: A Strategic Proposal (Research Paper Sample)

This project role was to inspect the role of a healthcare leader, who should drive the most important change in the healthcare organization. the paper tried to SHOW THAT THE EFFECTIVE APPLICATION OF LEADERSHIP SKILLS IS AN APPROPRIATE TOOL FOR HANDLING THE COMPLEXITY AND THE OBSTACLES PRESENT IN HEALTHCARE. THE PROPOSAL IS INTENDED TO MERGE LEADERSHIP, CHANGE MANAGEMENT, AND HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS IN ORDER TO COME UP WITH A comprehensive strategy that will lead to successful implementation of change. source..
Leading Change in Healthcare: A Strategic Proposal Students Name Institutional Affiliations Course Name and Number Instructor’s Name Due Date Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc161968766 \h 3Selecting a Change Initiative PAGEREF _Toc161968767 \h 3Research and Analysis PAGEREF _Toc161968768 \h 4Key Drivers of Change PAGEREF _Toc161968769 \h 5Improved Patient Care PAGEREF _Toc161968770 \h 5Enhanced Efficiency PAGEREF _Toc161968771 \h 5Interoperability PAGEREF _Toc161968772 \h 5Regulatory Compliance PAGEREF _Toc161968773 \h 6Challenges PAGEREF _Toc161968774 \h 6Resistance to Change PAGEREF _Toc161968775 \h 6Workflow Disruptions PAGEREF _Toc161968776 \h 7Data Security Risks PAGEREF _Toc161968777 \h 7Financial Costs PAGEREF _Toc161968778 \h 8Stakeholders PAGEREF _Toc161968779 \h 8Healthcare Providers PAGEREF _Toc161968780 \h 8Patients PAGEREF _Toc161968781 \h 9IT Department PAGEREF _Toc161968782 \h 9Administration PAGEREF _Toc161968783 \h 10Leadership Role and Competencies PAGEREF _Toc161968784 \h 10Developing a Supportive Workplace Climate PAGEREF _Toc161968785 \h 11Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc161968786 \h 12References PAGEREF _Toc161968787 \h 13 Introduction In the modern context of healthcare that is undergoing a considerable transformation, the capacity of leaders to start and manage changes is essential. This project will inspect the role of a healthcare leader, who should drive the most important change in the healthcare organization. What is to be shown is that the effective application of leadership skills is an appropriate tool for handling the complexity and the obstacles present in the healthcare environment. The proposal is intended to merge leadership, change management, and healthcare systems, in order to come up with comprehensive strategy that will lead to successful implementation of change. Selecting a Change Initiative The introduction of a new EHR my chosen change system reflects a big step for healthcare management as it facilitates the transition from the obsolete paper-based system to the advanced technological solutions. This reform program is critical if improvements to patients’ care management, operational inefficiency, and communication are to be brought about (Aguirre et. Al., 2019). Through the digitalization of patient records and the integration of multifarious functions, EHR systems present the robust platform for access, storage, and secure data sharing between the healthcare providers and other involved parties. Nevertheless, the transition to an EHR system is not a smooth way. The healthcare professionals may show a resistance in adoption of digital technology stemmed from their familiarity with paper-based workflow to digital tools and fear of digital tools (Health, Support and Social Care, 2024). Defeating such resistance is achieved with good change management strategies, which can be better training, open communication, and continuous support. Additionally, EHR implementation does not only interfere with workflows but also results in lower productivity and disturbs staff comfort. Proaction of preparation and collaboration are crucial for this problem to be overcome and to have a successful transition (Huang et al., 2020). Moreover, robust data security regulations are therefore necessary to ensure patient privacy and adhere to existing regulations while the cybersecurity risks are increasing. However, the realization of these advantages hinges on the success of adaptive change management strategies and the focus on the creation of innovative solutions and ensuring data security. Research and Analysis Researching electronic health record (EHR) implementation in depth is indeed an important step to understanding several key considerations and best practices. Change management literature is unanimous about the necessity of stakeholders’ engagement and highlights the role of those who deal with patients, i.e. frontline staff, administrators, and IT personnel in the implementation process. Effective communication channels through which all stakeholders would be able to comprehend the aims, benefits, and any likely pitfalls of the transition to an EHR system are important. The organizational readiness assessment, goes beyond determining the changes capability, but also, identifies the obstacles and develops appropriate strategies that will solve these problems. Success at EHR implementation indicates the significant influence of leadership in walking the process through. What distinguishes good leadership is foresight, decisiveness when circumstances change, and the skill to influence or motivate others towards one goal. Leaders are also responsible for creating a conducive environment for innovation and teamwork where staff can use problem solving, continuous improvement, and knowledge sharing to achieve the organizational goals (Hani et al., 2022). Through driving the structure of EHR implementation and optimizing the culture of the organization, leaders can establish a space where people can adapt to change successfully and resiliently. Key Drivers of Change Improved Patient Care Putting a new electronic health record (EHR) system into use improves the patient care as it enables medical staff to get patients’ information in a single place easier than before. EHRs, on the other hand, provide fast access to important data such as medical histories, lab results, medication lists and others, which in turn assist the clinicians to make better-informed decisions about diagnosis and treatment. Moreover, EHRs allow the formation of individualized care plans, based on personal needs and preferences of each patient (Aguirre et al., 2019). The end result is good health and satisfied patients. Enhanced Efficiency To be one of the main factors of the EHR system implementation is the need for the healthcare organizations to improve their operational activities. By automating the administrative tasks such as the appointment scheduling, billing, and record-keeping EHRs lower the amount of paperwork for healthcare staff to do (Aguirre et al., 2019). Consequently, streamlining the processes also reduces errors, eliminates wasted time on redundant tasks, making healthcare professionals concentrate more on direct patient care. Therefore, they will achieve a high level of efficiency, optimize resource utilization and improve the workflow management. Interoperability Integration of EHR systems makes possible the movement of patient data from one healthcare provider to another without a snag, which in turn leads to a much-improved care coordination and continuity. The interoperable EHRs allow healthcare professionals not only across different specialties but also the various settings to securely access and share patient information timely in real time. It is their interoperability that gives all healthcare providers involved in the treatment of the patient, the ability to gain access to the most current patient data, irrespective of where the patient receives healthcare (Aguirre et al., 2019). There are both improved coordination of care, fewer duplicate testing, and less patient disruption; as a result, such programs may be beneficial for the majority of patients treated across different providers and the settings in which their care is provided. Regulatory Compliance Other important factors include observance of government regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accounting (HIPAA), as well as complying with other national norms that secure personal data. The HIPAA rules require that data organization should include implementing a strong and secured information system for the handling of patients’ health information. This is done to safeguard individuals’ confidentiality and data security. Common EHR systems have implemented security measures as the built-in safeguards against HIPAA law infringement and exposure of the patients' privacy and confidentiality (Aguirre et al., 2019). Healthcare systems can significantly reduce the chances of costly litigations with HIPAA and other parallel laws compliant systems. Further, the organizations can demonstrate their commitment not only to keeping patient’s information secure but also promoting data privacy. Challenges Resistance to Change One of the most significant difficulties encountered during the process of EHR implementation is the unwillingness of healthcare professionals to adapt to new reality. Resistance to automation can be got from different causes, including the unwillingness to adopt the new technology, the reluctance to sunder the decision-making processes, and the fear of introducing changes that lead to disrupting the established workflows. They may feel threatened because they have been trained to work with paper and they may see the implementation of an electronic system as a challenge to them (Office Practicum, 2023). To deal with this, change management processes that comprise up providing the advantages of EHR adoption's features which include adequate training and support, as well as involving the staff in decision-making steps, are introduced to address their concerns and ensure support. Workflow Disruptions Implementation of EHR systems in the current operations of healthcare organizations can also bring in temporary impairments resulting in loss of productivity within the healthcare organizations. Transforming the old with the new digital systems and procedures will consume some of the time and resources (training and adaptation) and may end up yielding minor short-term inefficiencies in the beginning and the staff dissatisfaction. Healthcare facility workers may face increased frustration and lower productivity due to the learning curve which is typical when adopting EHR systems for usage (Office Practicum, 2023). To this end, organizations are expected to dedicate enough funds for intensive training programs, facilitate users' learning when they ar...
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