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Application of concept analysis to clinical practice (Research Paper Sample)
The instruction were about the application of concept analysis to clinical practice with respect to spiritual care. The sample examines how concept analysis is applied to spiritual care source..
Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice
Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice
Spiritual care is an important aspect of the nursing practice. Nurses strive to protect, preserve, and enhance human dignity, integrity, and wellness by helping people find meaning in suffering, pain, illness, and existence (Ramezani, Ahmadi, Mohammadi, & Kazemnejad, 2014). As a practice, nursing helps a person gain self-control, self-knowledge, and self-healing. Although humans have many needs, spiritual care is one of the most important ones. In fact, many believe that nursing is a spiritually driven profession whose goal is to improve the moral of people and nourish their spirits. However, ambiguity exists in the very definition of the concept. Different researchers have come up with varying interpretations which impair its application in the nursing practice (Ramezani et al., 2014). The lack of certainty makes it difficult for nurses to deliver care. Thus, concept analysis is critical to provide a comprehensive definition of spiritual care and its application in the clinical setting.
The Method of Analysis
The author used the eight-step concept analysis approach developed by Walker and Avant to provide the definition of the spiritual care concept. The steps included concept selection, determining the goal of analysis, identifying the uses of the concept, determining the defining attributes, constructing a model case and additional cases, identifying the antecedents and consequences and lastly defining the empirical referents.
McEwen & Wills (2014) stated that spiritual care is theoretically defined as the frequency of assessment and intervention associated with the spiritual practice, as well as the inherent barriers. On the other hand, Ramezani et al., (2014) described the attributes of spiritual care as being intuitive sense, therapeutic use of self, healing presence, patient centeredness, meaning-centered therapeutic care, exploration of spiritual perspective, and the creation of a spiritually nursing environment. It is a dynamic and subjective concept and a unique aspect of care integrating all other aspects. Spiritual care emerges in the context of nurse awareness of the dimension of life while reflecting on the patient reality. As the author indicated, the provision of spiritual care results in positive consequences that includes the promotion of nurse’s spiritual awareness and healing for patients.
The Steps of Process and the Results for Each Step
Literature Review
The study included a comprehensive review of major studies on the concept of spirituality. The studies were from both national and international online databases. It relied on appropriate materials mainly from primary sources. It is a critical appraisal of different studies where it shows their similarities and differences in the way they define the concept of spirituality (Ramezani et al., 2014). Therefore, it showed the gaps in the literature by affirming that lack of a consensus on the subject. As a result, it gives justification for the present study and the significance that it will have on improving nursing practice.
The study purpose was to provide a comprehensive and clear definition of the concept of spiritual care in nursing (Ramezani et al., 2014). The purpose statement is clear and communicated and placed in the introductory part of the article. However, the research question does not express a relationship between variables. The purpose statement flows from previous research and relates to the current study. It affirms that prior studies have not identified a precise definition of spiritual care.
Appropriateness of the Methodology
The author used the eight-step concept analysis approach developed by Walker and Avant to provide the definition of the spiritual care concept. They searched and analyzed national and international online databases whose inclusion criteria included articles that were published in Persian or English language between the period 1950 and 2012 (Ramezani et al., 2014). Ultimately, the search yielded 151 articles along with seven books. These sources were adequate for the research question. Data analysis was conducted a similar manner to a textual content analysis by reviewing each document for at least three times. As a result, the researchers identified the phrases and words that stood for the attributes of spiritual care and arranged them to determine the most common one.
The attributes were then categorized according to their similarities and differences to identify the defining aspects of spiritual care. The research was not cause-probing study, but rather an exploratory study to determine a precise definition of spiritual care. In enhancing internal validity, the researchers chose only published work that had been written by renowned authors. They reviewed the studies at least three times to identify the primary attributes of spiritual care. The author acknowledged the significant limitations of the study. They include the inclusion of only published studies from 1950 to 2012. Unpublished studies outside the timeframe were excluded
Method for Recruiting the Subjects
The authors searched for the articles to review using national and international databases. They used purposive sampling technique by including published studies between 1950 and 2012 and related to the definition, attributes, consequences, and antecedents of spiritual care (Ramezani et al., 2014). It used a well-established selecting system. However, there were validity issues which partly attribute to the selection bias. In essence, articles that were outside the time frame and not published in English or Persian language were excluded
Ethical Issues
The researcher took appropriate steps to avoid any harm to the study. The articles were selected based on the inclusion criteria from online databases. The authors took adequate steps not to safeguard the privacy of the participants that were involved in the studies under review. Only major themes were identified to ensure the confidentiality of the research. For all studies that the authors excluded, there were justifiable reasons for doing so. The authors made sure that they only reported what other studies had found without manipulating their findings.
Comparison Group
There was no comparison group. It was appropriate for the study as the main focus was the definition of spiritual care. It only needed to identify defining aspects of the concept in the studies under review
Variables under Study
The primary variables that were investigated were the antecedents, attributes, and consequences of spiritual care. However, the authors operationally defined the concept that made it possible to identify the defining characteristics. The measurement tools were reliable and valid.
Study Results
The authors found the defining attributes of spiritual care to be intuitive sense, therapeutic use of self, healing presence, patient centeredness, the establishment of a spiritually nurturing environment, exploration of spiritual perspective, and meaning-centered therapeutic intervention (Ramezani et al., 2014). They also discovered that spiritual care is a dynamic and subjective concept that integrates all other aspects. It results in positive consequences, such as the promotion of nurse’s spiritual awareness and healing for patients.
The researchers analyzed the data appropriately by identifying the primary attributes. They used software to analyze qualitative findings. However, they did n...
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