Disease Illnesses Research Factors that Contribute to Cancer (Research Paper Sample)
Reports should include
Introduction as your first paragraph
Main text [no more than 5 pages]
Conclusion as your last paragraph
It is an individual research.
The students have to use Microsoft word
The report has to have the following:
Title page
Index page
Body of the paper ( Main text) requirements: minimum 5 pages
It has to include: Explain why did you chose the topic and its relation with the material covered in this course (anatomy & physiology)
- Concept: a short paragraph that summarizes the medical condition
- Causes: What are the causes of the medical condition?
- Symptoms and signs
Symptoms: What the patient refers to the Doctor
Signs: What the Doctor sees, measure, or listen with instruments and maneuvers
-Diagnosis: Tools used to arrive to the diagnosis (Ex: MRI, RX, Labs).
- Treatments
- Prognosis: Outcome,chances of recovery.
- Pictures
- Bibliography ( Suggested Bibliography :www.google.com,www.medlineplus.com.)
Themes for the Report paper
Disease and medical condition related to: Endocrine System, Blood, Cardiac, Cardiovascular, Lymphatic, Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary, Male & Female reproductive disorders. (Select only one topic):
Congenital disorders
Degenerative disorders
Secondary disorders
Institutional Affiliation
In the society, there are various diseases that affect the health of people in many different ways. Some of the illnesses that affect the human society in the 21st century have fatal effects which could at some point be death. According to research, there are many different causatives of diseases. For instance, there are viruses and bacteria that are known to be the most common virulence factors. Viruses are known to be the most fatal with some of them lacking vaccination or medication to take the effects away. In relation to this, it can be concluded that the different diseases have various signs and symptoms. Some of the signs and symptoms of different diseases could be similar (Beckles, 2003). For this reason, scientists and medical practitioners have intellectually designed technology that they used in the diagnosis process. This means that by the use of the technologies, it is possible to correctly diagnose a particular illness affecting an individual. The correct diagnosis of an illness is vital as it helps in the process of recommending effective medicines in the long run (Facione, 1993). However, failure to diagnose the illnesses cold lead to the failure of the medical practitioners to give right medications. This could only lead to the deterioration of the health conditions of the affected person. For this particular research, I decided to research on cancer tumors. The main motivation for me to select this topic is that the illness is one of the most fatal in the world today. The various identifiable signs and symptoms of cancer will be discussed in detail in the paper. Additionally, the diagnosis methods and procedures will also be briefly discussed. This is a topic of concern as it will help in coming up with the causative factors and other important information that is related to cancer.
Factors that contribute to cancer.
Cancer is considered as one of the top ten killer diseases in the 21st century. According to medical experts from American medical association, there are various risk factors that lead to the development of cancer in the human body. Further, the American cancer association labels cancer as the second most dangerous illnesses in USA. It contributes to every single death out of 4 deaths in America. The different types of cancers are caused by the following identifiable factors:
Gene mutation; from the research conducted on this risk factor, it was found that the change of the DNA composition of a gene can be a real contributor to the development of cancer in the human body. Usually the human DNA is composed of various cells that have different functions. This means that the alteration of the DNA structure could lead to the damage of the cells, specifically the cell involved in the control of the cell multiplication is damaged and this leads to fast cell multiplication which is referred to as cancer (Portenoy, 1994).
Carcinogens: the 21st century is characterized by the existence of numerous technological advancements. This technologies contribute to the presence of carcinogenic materials in the environment. According to the American cancer association, an exposure to carcinogens leads to the damage of the DNA cells in a body. This means that a high level of exposure to carcinogens such as x-rays, direct sunlight, fumes from exhausts could lead to the introduction of harmful electrons in the body. The carcinogens introduced lead to the change in the DNA structure which then leads to cancer in human (Ver...
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