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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
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Memory In Adulthood: The Understanding Of Memory (Research Paper Sample)


the task examines Two perspectives of memory: the information-processing perspective and the memory-processing.


Memory in Adulthood
Memory in Adulthood
Memory is part of the mind where information is received, encoded, stored and retrieved when its use arise. Two perspectives have been put to help in the understanding of memory; these are the information-processing perspective and the memory-processing (Mammarella et al, 2013). Information-processing perspective offers the explanation that human memory operates the same way a computer does. It holds that the mind of a human being receives in receives stimuli, stores and then put to use when there is need. In other words, there is input of information, processing of the same and then output. It is in this manner that the human mind operates when subjected to different stimuli.
The memory processing perspective holds that there are different memory systems; that there are long and short term memories in the mind of people. The former is where information is stored to be used later in the process of time. It permanently stores information that a person uses to accomplish various tasks in life. According Mammarella et al (2013), short memory is the memory where information that is used from time to time of a daily basis is stored. It has the capacity for holding small information without manipulating it.
As people age, the ability to receive, store and retrieve information diminishes as older people tend to have ear loss which subsequently result into poor reception of information thereby affecting their storage and retrieval when need arise (Mammarella...
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