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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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This task seeks to analyze poverty levels in Tameside and its effects on health. Additionally, it will scrutinize the strategies that will be used to solve the problems. In a nut shell, the poverty rates in Tameside are at 28.7% and this has caused worries amount the government and the WHO. source..
HEALTH AND MEDICINE Name Course code Instructor Institution City/State Date POVERTY IN TAMESIDE AND ITS EFFECTS ON HEALTH * Introduction. Poverty has been considered to be the main factor of poor access to good health. Majority of the poor people fail to access the necessary information concerning good health and this makes them vulnerable to infectious diseases. This task seeks to analyze poverty levels in Tameside and its effects on health. Additionally, it will scrutinize the strategies that will be used to solve the problems. In a nut shell, the poverty rates in Tameside are at 28.7% and this has caused worries amount the government and the WHO. The high rates of poverty have majorly been caused by lack of education and high unemployment levels. Poverty in Tameside has led to infectious diseases, high stress levels, and increase in obesity and dental problems (JSNA, 2016). * Poverty and poor health in tame side There is no proper drainage in some of the villages and this causes poor sanitation. The report by NHS asserts that the problem with drainage is partly caused by the residents who have chosen not to be hygienic. The efforts by government to put littering sides have proved futile as most of them have ignored and littered at undersigned places. This problem is common among the illiterate people and psychologist has termed this as problems from child hood. A child will always adopt the characters from how he is brought up and becomes a believer of the values. The children will grow into adults with wrong believes that general cleanliness is not important. Therefore, most of the adults have low desire for hygiene CITATION Pau151 \l 1033 (Gregor P. , 2015). According to the Department of Health in Tameside, there are about 0.98Million residents in Tameside. About 28.7% are poor and require governmental interventions. The quest for the government to help such a group has posed a major challenge due to this problem. There are few health care facilities which cannot meet all the demands of the huge population in Tameside. The huge population indicates that there is a problem with poverty. This population is huge in comparison to the small area of about 453,000Km2 of the town. The high population is attributed to lack of family planning that is often common with the poor people CITATION Kar15 \l 1033 (Pol, 2015). Furthermore, there is also the lack of nutritious foods. The entrepreneurs in Tameside have been subjected to the market demands. The recent trends dictate that they sell the poor quality foods. This is because most of the quality foods require slightly higher capital and therefore this poses a challenge for them to acquire them. Besides, there is no market for the foods because most of them prefer affordable and cheap foods. The nutritious foods are thus found in the major stores out of reach of the poor people in Tameside. Few ventures with quality foods in Tameside have claimed that they do incur losses and that the foods have no market in Tameside CITATION Car091 \l 1033 (Weber, 2009). Education levels in Tameside are still low. Most of the residents attribute this to lack of money for schooling. The education levels stand at 11.7% according to the recent studies CITATION JSN16 \l 1033 (JSNA, 2016). The education levels causes most of them to lack basic ideas on cleanliness and the risks involved in the poor sanitation. There are few initiatives that the government undertakes to help solve the problem of unhygienic. This is due to high population and thus the residents will end up suffering if the problem is not solved in the recent past. Ignorance has also been considered to the major problem associated with poor people. Lack of knowledge makes them trivialize the onset of a disease. They tend to ignore checkups or head to advise given to them by some health providers and this causes health prevalence health problems especially for the acute diseases. There is also the influence of political and cultural issues. Most of the women in Tameside do not involve in family planning. Majority of them have believes that it has effects and that it may make children to have mental cases. This is partly attributed to lack of proper education and ignorance. Politicization of health issues has delayed major health projects that are meant to improve the health care of the residents of Tameside. Political blame games have also demoralized the health workers who are ready to bring change in the health provision in Tameside. This has therefore caused many of the Tameside residence to lack quality heath. The marginalized have remained vulnerable because they cannot access information, health services or even the money for treatment CITATION Pau151 \l 1033 (Gregor P. , 2015). Generally, there are also poor health systems because the state administration has failed to address the problem of poverty in Tameside. The low education levels make most of the residents to lack employment. This causes high levels of unemployment. The insurance schemes are very expensive for the poor and therefore this means that the poor cannot access better health. Lastly, there is lack of sufficient funds that has made most of the families are leaving from hand to mouth. This means that they have no sufficient savings for the medication. They consider the most important things are clothing food and shelter. There is a reality of harsh choices at their disposal. Most of the parents will consider having the basic need than going for treatment. There is little budget for health care needs for them as the money is not able to take care of both needs. Most of the residents in Tameside especially those that live in the outskirts have little earnings due to their low levels of education. Lack of the funds has made them not prefer preventive measures. Lack of funds has caused them not to take preventive measures. They cannot buy the antibiotics to treat some diseases at an early age. This means that the diseases will continue to spread at an alarming rate posing even greater risks CITATION NHS15 \l 1033 (NHS, 2015). * Effects of poverty on health * Obesity Obesity has been considered to be a major factor that affects people in Tameside. The obesity rates are at 10.8% as shown in graph 2 .The rates are expected to rise in the coming years. Obesity is an indicator of poverty in Tameside. Over the years, the proponents of obesity claimed that obesity was major prevalent among the rich. However, the recent studies reveal that that the poor are also at a greater risk of getting obesity. According to JSNA, NHS has indicated that obesity is on the rise in Tameside due to poverty level. Graph 2: CITATION JSN16 \l 1033 (JSNA, 2016) The causes of obesity are varied as discussed earlier. Basically, obesity in Tames side is caused by poor dieting, lack of exercise and lack of information. There is no sufficient information concerning the risks of obesity in Tameside. The presence of more information makes it hard to reach all the community members to educate them on the need of preventing obesity. Obesity is considered to be the major disease that causes emergency cases to rise as shown in graph 1.The risks that are associated with obesity includes high blood pressure that is very common in Tameside. High blood pressure is caused by the high deposition of fats into the blood vessels causes it to be narrow. This causes a condition called hypertension that increases the blood pressure. Lack of this basic information in the few health cares makes the people to be vulnerable to obesity and the associated risks CITATION JSN16 \l 1033 (JSNA, 2016). Furthermore, the high poverty levels have also caused the people not to buy quality foods. Opposite from the traditional point of view, the recent researches have revealed that the poor are at the highest risks of getting obesity. Recent research done by NHS reveal that 35.3% of the adults in Tameside earns less than £15000 per year. This means that they can only afford to buy the less quality foods. The food with a lot of fats cost less than the fruits and vegetables in Tameside. This makes the poor concentrate in the less quality foods making them vulnerable to obesity. They will specifically feed on meat and fatty foods that are commonly found in the market. * Infectious diseases The presence of infectious diseases in Tameside is a major indicator of the presence of poverty. According to the research that was conducted by Mullahy, Tameside is considered to be a major state that has been hit by poverty CITATION Rob01 \l 1033 (Mullahy, 2001).Ordinarily; poverty levels in Tameside are at 43% and this means that it is a major problem that makes it hard for the people to have good meals. Most of the people in the town are up to consumption of quantity but less quality food. They prefer a lot of food that has no nutritional value as compared to small but nutritious foods that the rich often take. Poverty at Tameside has made majority of the people to purely consume the foods of poor quality that has failed to add nutritional values to their bodies. This has resulted to reduced immunity in the bodies due to the poor dieting. According to Gregory, poor dieting involve consuming foods without putting into consideration the nutritional value. In addition, he claims that the foods must be consumed in aright measure and considerable time frame. Failure of the balanced diet has caused a reduced immunity and thus there have been several cases of emergency treatment that has been reported in the locality over the last year. Form the graph 1; it is evidence that there were about 4.3 Million emergency cases that resulted from poor dieting that within the last two years. This shows that this is actually a major problem in Tameside CITATION NHS15 \l 1033 (NHS, 2015). ...
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