Priority Issues In Nursing Health, Medicine, Nursing Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)
Select ONE priority area (priority healthcare issue) and identify a population you would like to explore.
Self-management/health literacy (cross-cutting)
Asthma—appropriate treatment for persons with mild/moderate persistent asthma
Cancer screening that is evidence-based—focus on colorectal and cervical cancer.
Children with special health care needs1
Diabetes—focus on appropriate management of early disease
End of life with advanced organ system failure—focus on congestive heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Frailty associated with old age—preventing falls and pressure ulcers, maximizing function, and developing advanced care plans
Hypertension—focus on appropriate management of early disease
Immunization—children and adult.
Specifically, the paper should include the following components:
Health Care Priority Issue
Identifies a healthcare priority issue. Describes the healthcare priority issue, the population it involves, and significance of the healthcare issue by using specific facts and details. Ends with a clearly worded purpose statement.
Rationale and Importance to Nursing
Discuss the rationale for choosing the priority healthcare issue and describe why this issue is important to nursing. Provides details.
Nursing Interventions and Outcomes
Clearly identify two nursing actions or interventions designed to improve care that is measured in patient outcomes. From two nursing articles, select a total of two (no more or less than two) key nursing interventions that improved patient outcomes and explain how the nursing interventions improved each of the two patient outcomes. Provide details.
Quality Improvement Initiative and Patient Care
Using the interventions from the articles/studies, describe how you would recommend a Quality Initiative (QI) to improve patient care within a healthcare facility (hospital) and explain why this QI would be important to implement for patients. Provides details.
Nursing, Quality, and Outcomes
Discuss why it is important for nursing to be involved in quality initiatives and explain how two professional nursing values can help to improve patient care. Provides details
Summarize key points in paper.
Priority Issues in Nursing
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Self-management is a significant health care priority issue in a world where the burden for long-term conditions continue to increase. Diabetic patients will have to assume a greater responsibility to manage their health and improve their quality of life. However, these patients require education from healthcare professionals to gain safe management skills to assume active role in their care. The paper explores the concept of self-management, its importance in nursing and how it can reduce burden associated with type II diabetes. A review of the literature revealed that supported self-management and lifestyle modification are effective nursing interventions for improving glycemic control, reducing complications and lowering or eliminating the use of glucose lowering medications. Nurses should implement supported self-management education that focuses on lifestyle because leads to positive impact on the behavioral, psychological and clinical aspects of diabetes. Besides, supported self-management education should be tailored to individual preferences and cultural factors to improve health outcomes for culturally diverse population. Nurses provide direct care and thus they are well-positioned to improve patients’ healthy literacy while demonstrating altruism and ensuring social justice by eliminating disparities in the prevalence of diabetes and health outcomes.
Key words: Self-management, supported self-management, health literacy, patient empowerment, diabetes, glycemic control
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