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2 pages/≈1100 words
4 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Role of the Advanced Nurse. Health, Medicine, Nursing Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


The task is about the role of Advanced nurses and the sample is about this role and the role of Masters prepared nurses, especially family nurse practitioner in enhancing the quality and safety of Healthcare


Role of the Advanced Nurse
Institutional Affiliation:
Role of the Advanced Nurse
The healthcare sector is evolving at a rapid rate and staffs are required to meet the increasing demands and needs of the healthcare staff. An increasingly demographically diverse patient population coupled with staff shortage has coerced stakeholders in the healthcare sector to reexamine the distribution of tasks amongst staffs. Consequently, the scope of practice and roles of registered nurses have undergone significant expansion with the sole purpose of enhancing the cost-effectiveness and quality of care provided to patients (Institute of Medicine, 2011). For all these reasons, it is imperative for registered nurses to advance their education so that they can assume various roles in the health organizations including assessing, diagnosing, and treating both acute and normal health situations and conditions, as well as, providing follow-up treatment and care for chronic illnesses.

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