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Database Security (Research Paper Sample)

ust a research analysis paper on database security. It must be at least 750 words. Format: APA standard page layout and spacing. Citations: APA standard citation format. At least three topical references other than the textbook and other assigned readings. Use the attachements below for additional instructions source..
Data Security: Safeguarding Sensitive Data Name Institution Course Tutor Date Abstract The analysis is centered on data security, which is safeguarding sensitive data. The paper provides insights into the current database security landscape, which includes common threats and vulnerabilities. It also investigates organizations' challenges in securing databases, such as insider threats and inadequate access controls. On the other hand, it explores security measures like encryption, access control mechanisms, and intrusion detection systems. The discussion also offers various layers, including types of information security control considered appropriate to databases, such as auditing, access control, encryption, integrity controls, backups, and application security. Other issues discussed in the paper entail the best practices for securing databases, including regular patching and employee training, the importance of compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS, and the emerging trends in database security, such as blockchain and secure multi-party computation. The database security protection practices discussed range from physical database security deployment to data encryption deployment. Keywords: Data security, data breach, database, blockchain, computation, encryption, regulations, protection, vulnerabilities, threats Data Security: Safeguarding Sensitive Data Current database security landscape, common threats and vulnerabilities, and the challenges faced by organizations in securing databases Database security involves using different controls, tools, and designed measures to establish and preserve the database's confidentiality, availability, and integrity. Database security seeks to address and protect data in databases, the database management system (DBMS), associated applications, the virtual database server, the physical database server, and the underlying hardware. It also addresses and protects network and computing infrastructure vital for accessing the database. Iqbal et al. (2023) explain that database security entails different aspects of information security practices and technologies. Furthermore, they add that it is often at odds with the usability of the database. Databases that are usable and more accessible are often vulnerable to security threats. Databases less susceptible to security threats are often difficult to use and access. According to Kunduru (2022), the importance of database security emanates from the understanding that a data breach is a failure to guarantee the confidentiality of database data. The consequences of a data breach may include damage to a brand's reputation, compromised intellectual property, problems with business continuity, and penalties and fines for non-compliance. The other notable consequence entails the cost of repairing the breaches besides that of notifying customers. Iqbal et al. (2023) provide insights into the common threats and vulnerabilities of database security. Kunduru (2022) explains that vulnerabilities, misconfigurations of software, and patterns related to misuse and carelessness may lead to breaches. These breaches can result in database security attacks. The causes of the attacks may include insider threats, human error, exploitation of the vulnerability of the software, SQL and or NoSQL injection attacks, malware, buffer overflows exploitations, and attacks on the backups. Insider threats often emanate from those with privileged access to databases. They may include malicious insiders to cause harm, negligent insiders, and infiltrators. Human errors are related to weak passwords, accidents, and password sharing. Kunduru (2022) explains that attacks on backups can be exacerbated by increasing volumes of data, infrastructural sprawl, cyber-security skills shortage, and increasing requirements for stringent regulations. Security measures like encryption, access control mechanisms, and intrusion detection systems Iqbal et al. (2023) explain that encryption involves translating data to ciphertext from plaintext. Users may encrypt data using the encryption key and also decrypt it using the decryption key. Examples of encryption techniques include triple DES (AES) Advanced Encryption Standard, blowfish, and RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman). Access control mechanisms control what and who uses resources and views in the computing environment. It is a concept for minimizing risks. Logic and physical are the types of access control. As for intrusion detection systems, they help monitor traffic, particularly in the computer's network, to detect suspicious activities. Upon detecting the suspicion illuminated above, it sends alert regarding when it has been detected (Seaman, 2020). An incident responder or even a security operation analyst can act on the alert by investigating the issue and incorporating the appropriate measures that help in remedying the encompassing threat. Best practices for securing databases A security threat to network infrastructure components for databases is a threat to the database. The attacks can impact the workstation and devices of the users, thus threatening the database. As a result, the evaluation of database security must consider physical security, network and administrative access controls, device security and end-user account security, encryption, database software security, web and application server security, backup security, and auditing. Kunduru (2022) adds that database security requires establishing correct policies and controls for accessing the databases. The controls entail preventive controls, administrative controls, and detective controls. Kunduru (2022) illuminates that data protection platforms and tools should provide solutions for discovery, data activity monitoring, encryption, and tokening capabilities, and data security and risk analysis optimization. Importance of compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS Kunduru (2022) elaborates that data compliance involves the application of specific rules or regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS to help in ensuring that the data in the database that is being handled is not only organized and stored but also managed to limit the possibility of misuse and breaches. They h...
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