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E-government (Research Paper Sample)

Throughout this quarter the course examined a number of issues that overlap with the conceptual frameworks of cyberspace, philosophical outlooks and connections to social control and other matters associated with business but also government. By the time the quarter is done students will have examined case studies and other materials to aid you in the analysis. For this assignment, the student will present a thoughtful and persuasive philosophical and, when possible, empirical argument which addresses the following line of inquiry: What is the proper role(s) of government with regards to (choose from the topics below)? 1. Regulating cyberspace for business. 2. Collection and governance of digital data of individual citizens 3. The use of identity systems by the national government 4. Social control and data surveillance by government and private entities The student will need to justify their argument and to aid in that justification should consider and address what the proper role of government is as it relates to issues of technology, crime, justice, rule of law, liberties and freedoms, safety and security, and any other concepts which are relevant. Students are encouraged to draw on the policies of existing governments (e.g. U.S., European Union, China, Russia, other) to illustrate the points that they want to make. There are many paths one can take and no single one is correct. Students in the past have addressed this by looking at proposed FCC (Federal Communications Commission, a regulatory agency of the U.S. Federal Government) regulations and guidelines related to the issue of net neutrality. Others have explored the role of national databases from their country- or specific uses of data collection systems from their country or government. What is important is that the student explore this topic in such a way so that they can think and write intelligently on it as it relates to a sub-topic or theme that is of interest to themselves. This statement and the directions are open to (responsible) interpretation. Students have permission to be creative. Please properly cite any source material(s) using APA. Length does not include bibliography or footnotes. source..
E-government Project: What Is the Proper Role(s) of Government with Regards To Regulating Cyberspace for Business?Student’s NameDepartment, SchoolCourseProfessor’s NameDate E-government Project: What Is the Proper Role(s) of Government with Regards To Regulating Cyberspace for Business? The advancement of technology and inventions such as the internet has unlocked multiple opportunities for businesses and enterprises than ever expected. Undeniably, the world has made positive steps and has moved forward due to the invention of the internet. Studies show that the internet has enabled businesses and organizations to achieve great innovations and growth, which have led to increased productivity and improved performance within the business sector (Jamison, 2018). However, issues of cybersecurity threats and net neutrality have triggered a significant impact on the performance and growth of numerous businesses in the United States. Undoubtedly, the United States (US) government has continuously played an active role in ensuring that cyberspace is adequately regulated for businesses to thrive (Lentz & Perlman, 2016). This report develops a line of inquiry and develops an argument with respect to the proper role of the US government with regard to regulating cyberspace for businesses. In light of this topic, this paper will examine the US government's role in net neutrality and its efforts to ensure that businesses access equitable internet services. The paper will also examine the role of the Federal government in protecting businesses against potential cybersecurity threats. In order to develop this argument, this report first begins with the issue of net neutrality and its impacts on businesses. The paper continues with an analysis of the role of the government in protecting businesses against potential cybersecurity threats. The US Government’s Role in the Issue of Net Neutrality The United States government has, over the past years, played an active role in achieving internet freedom. Mounting evidence shows that the need to reduce and fight to ensure that internet service providers do not slow down, speed up or block some web content for specific has been a subject of great concern (Lentz & Perlman, 2016). Despite the numerous amendments to the Communications Act, achieving internet freedom has been elusive, and most businesses have faced issues in operations, growth, and innovations because of internet freedom. The federal government, 2010 during the Obama administration, made positive progress in granting internet freedoms to allow businesses access to equitable internet services that are free from regulations from service providers (Jamison, 2018). Studies show that the Federal government's role in ensuring open, free, and fair internet for all users, including businesses and organizations, was a game changer because it created a level playing field that allowed entrepreneurs to explore further online opportunities without being regulated by service providers (Lentz & Perlman, 2016). Furthermore, the enactment of net neutrality rules boosted cyberspace operations for businesses because fair and free internet has led to increased economic growth and innovations for most businesses (Maillé, Simon & Tuffin, 2016). Arguably, the introduction of free and fair internet access for businesses and organizations minimized barriers that had paralyzed multiple businesses and organizations (Friedlander, 2016). Therefore, the US government's influence in net neutrality has helped businesses access free and fair internet, which spurs economic development and growth. The Federal government, through the Federal Communications Commission, has created and set rules that protect and regulate net neutrality. As a result, businesses and organizations are not restricted based on what they do when they are connected to the internet. According to Friedlander (2016), the net neutrality rules have eliminated the blocking of specific websites of various businesses and organizations. As a result, businesses utilize the internet without limitations from service providers. Through the net neutrality rules, users cannot be blocked from accessing the internet, or specific sites provided the content publicized within the websites is legal and does not violate any cyberspace rules and regulations (Lentz & Perlman, 2016). Eliminating the blocking of consumers ensures that every business and player who uses the internet gets fair services of their business as it reduces the bias of blocking only businesses not affiliated with the service provider (Friedlander, 2016). Additionally, the government’s role in net neutrality has helped in minimizing throttling, which makes some businesses experience slow internet connection because of being slowed down by internet service providers (Maillé, Simon & Tuffin, 2016). Studies show that businesses can access various services without the regulation of the internet service provider (Jamison, 2018). Increased internet freedom has led to transparency, and it has eliminated paid prioritization. Overall, the government's efforts in achieving internet freedoms have benefited numerous businesses that previously faced difficulties due to restrictions from service providers. Even though Biden has made significant attempts to reinstate net neutrality rules that were revoked by the Trump administration have stalled, other studies argue that increasing internet freedom has disadvantages for Americans and businesses. Evidence shows that reinstating net neutrality in the United States will interfere with the rights of service providers because businesses pay for services and not data (Friedlander, 2016). Consumers who use less bandwidth may not be willing to incur the extra costs of accessing higher bandwidths and increased internet speeds. Furthermore, other studies argue that reinstating internet freedoms that were previously rolled out by the Obama administration will lead to increased access to illicit content among consumers (Maillé, Simon & Tuffin, 2016). Undeniably, restrictions allow internet service providers to block sites when consumers attempt to request information that is illegal and illicit. However, guaranteeing internet freedom can lead to access to dangerous and malicious content that is available on the internet (Jamison, 2018). As a result, removing net neutrality makes it possible for internet service providers to filter illicit content and ensure that consumers access only legal content from the internet. Studies also indicate that the presence of internet freedom will make internet service providers incur losses because large amounts of data will be consumed without being paid for (Lentz & Perlman, 2016). The money for data used without being paid for could be used to expand internet coverage to allow businesses in remote and rural areas to access the internet. Therefore, even though the government's attempts to achieve net neutrality have some benefits, it also has drawbacks that can affect business performance in cyberspace. The US Government’s Role in the Issue of Cybersecurity Threats Businesses and organizations are facing significant losses due to cybercrimes and cyberattacks, and government organizations are no exemption. One of the major arguments is, who is responsible for cybersecurity? Studies show that even though individual corporates and companies have a role to play in protecting their organizations from cyber threats, the United States government has a key role to play in ensuring businesses and organizations are protected from external attacks (Veasey, 2019). Over the past years, the US has witnessed massive data breaches and loss of critical information and finances from businesses. While the entire blame goes to the affected businesses, the US government has also been blamed for increased cybersecurity attacks and data breaches (Veasey, 2019). While cybersecurity and protecting businesses from cybersecurity should be the role of every entity and individual, the government has a major role to play in protecting businesses from attacks in cyberspace. According to Knake (2017), the major role of the government is to keep Americans safe and ensure that their activities in cyberspace are safe. Furthermore, the government has the mandate to regulate how businesses and organizations use various data and information they collect from their clients to avoid exploitation and improper handling of critical information belonging to the public (Knake, 2017). Thus, the US government protects businesses against cyber threats, and it ensures that businesses use data and information pertaining to consumers appropriately. The US government is constantly reducing the risk of cybersecurity threats by setting regulations about how businesses and organizations should handle the data and information they store. Through the Department of Homeland Security and the National Security Agency, the government has created multiple policies to enable businesses and organizations to achieve data integrity, confidentiality, and integrity (Veasey, 2019). As a result, businesses and organizations operate on a framework that helps them use client data appropriately, secure it, and store it correctly to avoid access by thi...
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