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How Computer Technology has been used in Law Enforcement? (Research Paper Sample)


the goal of this project is to further interest in a particular topic by developing own research question and then designing and
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of " What is ___?" 
the topic of this research paper will be: How Computer Technology has been used in Law Enforcement?


How Computer Technology has been used in Law Enforcement?
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For many years now, there has been an increase in growth in computer technology use. United Police department has been in the center for the high development in the use of the technology. This change rate is not as high as it was predicted in the early years of the 1970s. When a computer uses spread beyond the routine to other non-routine determinations such as money allocation to where the machine starts to become a decision-making tool. Computer science has been of great use when it comes to computer forensic as it has been used to solve complex cases in recent years. This paper will dramatically focus on the ways computer technology has been used in law enforcement in recent times in the world. This subject will borrow information from forensic science and combine it with the knowledge of computer science to solve complex issues. The implementation of such technology and its impact on the police and its correlation with law enforcement and society.
How Computer Technology has been used in Law Enforcement?
Computer technology has played a central role in storing and retrieving vast and accurate information, which allows the police and other law enforcement services available. The data collected includes information of incident report, description of criminal and fingerprint of the criminal. In recent years, law enforcement uses technology in detection, which helps solve the complicated case and has evolved (Chan, 2001). Law enforcers are using Global Positioning Systems, which allow the enforcers to move to the crime scene quickly and trace criminals at ease.
There is a growing sense of employing robots, Global Positioning Systems, sophisticated powered computers while working in a criminal justice system. There has been a fast spreading in the use of computer technology in the enforcement of the law by the police in the recent days. Large electronic data which are stored in the database, the computers are used to access such information through some sophisticated computer software (Broadhurst, 2006).
Computer technology has been used in the recognition of victim’s faces, individual fingerprints, and also the same computer can be connected to a web which is a large highway for information exchange and a source of knowledge (Hinduja, 2004). There are computers which are known as desktop computers and which are not portable but there are modern which are used by the enforcers of the law such as mobile phones. Laptops and tablets types of devices have been in use by the law enforcers in the recent days which embrace the use of computer technology.
Extensive data of information can either be stored or retrieved by the Law enforcers with computer technology. The data collected ranges from incident reports, details of criminals such as fingerprint, description of the criminal, and other crucial data that can lead to the culprit to be brought to book (Revesz, 2010). Computer forensic swings in when there is a need to collect data about the DNA taken from the culprit. Law enforcers in the United States department have a DNA database that allows them to match the DNA from the person suspected to be the criminal and the sample reserved from the identified crime scene.
Data sharing and Internet
The computer allows the sharing and transfer of information from one law enforcer to another. Information and documents from the forensic laboratory can be shared with the law courts with computer science. Microcomputers are crucial for law enforcement as a police officer can record essential information. Due to the police department's interconnection, the police officer can be able to get information or even be able to associate in other districts of the department and still in a car.
Mobile devices may be used to investigate the individuality or other identifications of persons at the scene where the crime occurred (Kim and Nah,2018). Law enforcement organizations and departments can apply the network to inform and the public, petition for data, or alert individuals to continuing circumstances like missing individuals. Since criminals regularly use the Internet to segment data, it can be significant in crime stoppage and exposure. 
Cyber Crime
Law enforcement organizations also use the Internet to confronting online crime.
This encompasses the distribution of unlawful material, which can include pirated moneymaking movies—law enforcement from different nations requisite to effort as a team to tackle cybercrime.
Cyber Crime Investigative Techniques
Any unlawful activity committed by the use of a computer is what is known as cybercrime. This issue has become very serious. Cybercrime, which is defined as any illegal activity committed using computers, has emerged as a severe peril to people, industries, and even country security. Agencies that are involved in Law enforcement have reacted with specified units skilled to pledge such threats (Ciardhuáin, 2004). An ordinary cybercrime examination characterizes several confirmed experimental techniques, each planned to path and seizure cybercriminals.
There is also surveillance, which can either be physical, which uses wiretaps and tracing to monitor the real world of the criminal. To preserve flaps on digital action, investigators execute computer surveillance, checking all rudiments of a criminal's computer practice and online conduct. Computer surveillance can comprise sting procedures such as setting up baits that is an inducement to trap cybercriminals into a tenable section of a computer server to unlawfully move or download files which can later be used against the criminals as evidence.
Development of policy together with and Technique 
To collect data to help law enforcement, policies and techniques must be put in place as the digital evidence is very delicate and highly sensitive. There will be policies to guide the data collection and procedures formulation for the job in correlation to computer forensic investigation to help law enforcement. The methods include information about when the investigator who is a computer forensic can be deployed to recover the crucial evidence, prepare the system for the evidence retrieval and the storage site, and how such documents or files are documented (Lin, 2012). This is to help to keep the information authentic. It is also essential to set regulations to govern all other activities within the area where the data will be retained or research within the company or the organization. This is essential to guide the information road map of law enforcement agencies and other groups. Before this research, any digital analysis, correct procedure needs to be taken to govern the case's specifics at hand.
Evidence Assessment
From the policy and technique formation, the next step will be evidence assessment. There will be a clear understanding of the nature of the information at hand and thus classifying the crime. Suppose the investigator finds a need to prove a person had committed a crime of investigation. In that case, the law enforcers shall use sophisticated methods to sift objects to collect DNA. This also happens to all other crimes that are committed or will be committed by criminals. Before moving to the crime scene, the investigator will define the kind of evidence required and have a pure comprehension of how to realm pertinent information (Jolliffe and Farrington, 2007). The researcher will also determine the foundation and truthfulness of such data before preceding the evidence into it.
Evidence Acquisition
This will be the most crucial stage for this research's success as it involves a well-planned strategy in acquiring the evidence. Comprehensive documentation will be required before, during, and after that, the attainment procedure (Mylonas et al,.2012.). This stage is where policies correlated with maintaining the integrity of possible information are most appropriate. Overall, strategies for preserving substantiation comprise the physical elimination of packing devices, using managed discs to salvage sensitive information, certify functionality, and take proper procedures to reproduce and relocate information to the researcher's system.
Evidence Examination
At this stage, the evidence collected will be examined to confirm its authenticity. A variety of techniques will be involved to analyze the data to get clear evidence.  Some computer software might be involved to look for more information abo

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