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The Modern Approach To The Business Intelligence With Tableau (Research Paper Sample)
The modern approach to the business intelligence with tableau is a research paper showing the improvement tableau software can bring into the business world.
The modern approach to the business intelligence with tableau
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The modern approach to the business intelligence
The modern approach to the business intelligence is the title of the white paper I selected for analysis. It mainly focuses on the organization of data in the company. It first acknowledges the availability of this data and presence of the data analysis skills among the members of the organization. Having the data readily available is one thing, most companies and organizations may be faced with the challenge of arranging this data in neat way to enhance ease of access and analysis. This is the challenge being addressed mostly, with the paper telling us on how to organize our data, which tools to use and most importantly where to store this data. This is what may be termed as business intelligence in our report.
Understanding data is critical to making the right decisions and staying ahead of the competition. Data handling may prove itself to be a big challenge if the traditional methods are used. This is because they are too slow, inflexible and expensive. In the modern approach to business intelligence, all these problems are sorted out. This paper clearly outlines seven key attributes of the modern approach to business intelligence that will help you quickly see, understand, and share analytics. Whether you’re working with data in spreadsheets, warehouses, or across disparate data sets, consider these attributes when evaluating software tools to empower your entire organization—from executives to analysts, to IT, across departments and geographic locations, in the office and on the go. These key attributes are; speed, visual data discovery, connection to any data, real-time collaboration of the data, comprehensive governance, scalability and mobility of the data. These attributes are crucial. The enable ease access and analysis of the data even from remote locations and sites.
The traditional approach to business intelligence isolates analytics within a specialized reporting team. But this hinders companies from making critical decisions at the speed of business. The modern approach gives you the ability to see and understand data at the speed of thought. You can ask and answer questions as fast as you think of them, even when working with massive and diverse data sets.
For your data to have an impact, the insight-to-decision process must be swift. The modern approach saves you time on every step of your workflow, from installing the software to accessing complex data sets, publishing interactive dashboards, and sharing across your organization.
While traditional systems can take months to implement, the modern approach takes as little as a few hours. It allows you to easily combine data sets from different parts of the business on the fly. It also gives you the choice of using in-memory capabilities to speed up data sources and live connections to leverage fast data infrastructures.
With this available to any organization, the amount of job that can be done in a month is a lot compared to that done using the traditional methods. Therefore, this method speeds up the working of a company, it hence goes without saying that the productivity of the company is increased by far too much.
Visual Data Discovery
Visualizations reveal insights hiding in raw data, but without the right tools, they can be slow and difficult to build. A spreadsheet requires you to analyze data in rows and columns, choose a subset to present, then create a chart from that sub-table. Traditional tools also rely on wizards and text-based commands to arduously build charts.
In contrast, modern BI tools skip those steps. They help you easily create visual representations of your data with simple drag and drop actions. Modern BI is founded upon the principals of visual analysis, allowing you to easily spot anomalies, outliers, and trends in your data without needing to sort through pages of spreadsheets.
The modern approach also enables self-service analytics. Users can take full advantage of their visual discoveries by asking more questions, drilling down into the data, and ultimately generating shareable dashboards. At the core is a partnership between business and IT. IT designs the data architecture and enables the security and access control. Business people serve themselves the analytics and dashboards they need when they need them. The result is a secure environment overseen by IT that supports not only an organization’s data integrity but also empowers people to answer critical questions.
All the same, the software used ought to be of high quality. It should be easy to use by the professional user and regular user without any difficulties. This way, it will not lock out some users. It should also have statistical tools since we are dealing with data. More plug-ins may be integrated within it to make sure that the software can be used with other software in the market.
Connect to Any Data
Data is growing in every way—in volume and the variety of data stores. Traditional BI made the assumption that data could, and should, be moved into consolidated enterprise stacks. But that’s not the reality for most organizations, which continue to have different databases in different places.
Modern BI accommodates diverse data sets, enabling people to easily combine massive amounts of data from different systems and all parts of business. This solution works with data of any size, even petabytes. It works with unstructured or raw data. It works with spreadsheets and text files that exist in businesses everywhere. And most importantly, it does not require you to move your data to a new home before you can analyze it.
Similarly, modern BI lets you blend different relational, semi- structured, and raw data sources in real-time without expensive upfront integration costs. It also supports careful management of your data sources, allowing administrators to control and scale metadata that provides a single source of the truth for everyone. The result: Users can explore the data without needing to know the details of how the data is stored.
Real-Time Collaboration
Traditional approaches to BI get in the way of collaboration. Prepared reports don’t answer all your questions, and you often find yourself discussing problems rather than solutions.
Moreover, reports often capture a snapshot in time that quickly becomes out-of-date, making real-time collaboration difficult. Why not interact with data, live, during your meeting? With modern BI, you can filter, sort, discuss, and transform data on the fly.
You can modify and update dashboards immediately with simple drag-and-drop interactions. You are not limited by the software’s level of sophistication. Even sharing is made simple with live dashboards viewed in a web browser or embedded in cloud applications like Salesforce or SharePoint.
Comprehensive Governance
Data is only useful when it’s accessible. All organizations must strike a balance between data access and security. They must set their data architecture and adapt it as the business changes. Furthermore, organizations must determine what and how analytics are productionalized from in-process “sandbox†environments.
The traditional approach enforces strict lockdowns on data and reports, only allowing access by specialized reporting groups.
This process results in the lackluster adoption of analytics and decisions that are rarely data-driven. In contrast, the modern approach allows IT to set the rules and guidelines without limiting what business users can create. Where traditional BI restricts access to data,
the modern approach views data governance as an important step in creating a safe and trusted environment for self-service analytics, leading to accurate, available, and audited dashboards and reports.
Organizations typically want to pilot analytics projects with a handful of users, then scale up over time. However, traditional BI tools are complicated to configure and maintain, making it difficult to quickly scale up a deployment. Even worse, adding functionality often requires additional licensing fees. The result is too much, too soon.
Organizations buy large minimum-configuration licenses to meet unproven needs, and much of the software goes unused.
Modern BI tools allow you to start small and scale at your pace. Whether today’s need is one business analyst with one data source or 10,000 field representatives on tablets accessing reports from the road, the modern solution supports all stages of an organization’s analytical evolution.
Mobility of the data
Old approaches to business intelligence involved long waits. Reports could take days, if not weeks, to go from initial request to final delivery. Adapting reports to mobile devices like tablets and smartphones extended that wait time even further. Analytical queries needed to be pre-asked; questions arising on-site or in the field couldn’t be answered for days. Without exception, analytics stopped when you left your desk.
Mobile access is now a central function of the modern approach to BI. Smartphone and tablet compatibility is baked into the software from day one, offering the ability to view, interact, and share analytics regardless of device. The result is business intelligence that is woven into where work happens: hallway conversations, stand-up meetings, executive briefings, and discussions with customers and partners. To assume that everyone is at a desk when they need data is to limit the potential of business intelligence.
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