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Advocacy for Social Change with LGBT Community Law Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


the task was to examine the current advocacy for social change with the LGBT community. in this sample , The first section covers an explanation of the community’s advocacy as the social change issue; differentiation of the needs and demands in relation to the advocacy for Social Change and the LGBT community; as well as specification of a needs assessment-measuring tool as applicable in the case for advocacy for social change with LGBT community.


Advocacy for Social Change with LGBT Community
Student’s name
The lesbian, gay, bi, and transgender (LGBT) community remains highly discriminated upon based on various public settings, increasing their likelihood to suffer emotional distress, anxiety and depression. This study examines the current advocacy for social change with the LGBT community. Generally, people tend to feel overstretched to conform to the conventional ideas of a society of being female or male, and those who don’t normally face intimidation, ridicule, as well as physical abuse. This study therefore examines the current advocacy for social change with the LGBT community. The first section covers an explanation of the community’s advocacy as the social change issue; differentiation of the needs and demands in relation to the advocacy for Social Change and the LGBT community; as well as specification of a needs assessment-measuring tool as applicable in the case for advocacy for social change with LGBT community.
Part A
The social change issue under assessment is the advocacy for social change with the LGBT community. There is an escalating level of LGBT members raising a family and children all over the world, and particularly the United States (Blackwell, Hardy, Ammari, Veinot, & Schoenebeck, 2016). Presently, approximately 37% of LGBT individuals are said to have had children (Blackwell et al., 2016). More explicit studies have argued that out of 38% of transsexual adults, 32% of bisexual men and 59% of bisexual women are parents (Gates, 2013). Regardless of such high-profile events, discrimination against this group remains a grave concern across the globe. In the United States, a total of 22 states have been said to consider sexual-orientation discrimination as illegal (Garrison and Ibanez, 2016). While there has been an increment in the ratio of same-gender couples adopting children, the LGBT community still faces key legal problems in the adoption or fostering of children: private adoption institutions can lawfully disqualify same-gender couples, and in 3-U.S. states, even the authorized institutions can decline the placement of children here doing so doesn’t go along with their religious beliefs (Garrison and Ibanez, 2016).

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