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Effects of armed conflicts on health cares systems in Syria Research (Research Paper Sample)


explain the effects of armed conflicts on health cares systems in syria


Effects of War and Armed conflicts on Health care Systems in Syria NameInstitutions affiliationEffects of War and Armed conflicts on Health care Systems in Syria Health care systems are an essential system in any country when it comes to humanitarian well-being. Armed conflicts and war became rampant in Syria in around 2011. Before the disputes, Syria was a middle-priced country with its economy not much affected as it is the situation in most developing countries. Most of its citizens were middle-class earners. The governments ran health care facilities; however, they were mainly concentrated in major cities such as Damascus, while rural areas had few such facilities leading to inadequate housing in most rural areas of Syria. The mortality rate was low in the previous decade due to improved health care facilities, and most of the health systems were better (World Bank, 2012) Following the outbreak of war and armed clashes in Syria, every sector in the country has felt the heaviness and the impact of the war. Previously, the government of Syria provided various humanitarian services as it is the government's role with a lot of its effort directed towards health care facilities. However, war and clashes outbreak has steadily led to a decline in facilities provision compared to the past. Health workers and nurses have suffered individually as well as professionally (Ascheim, 2015). The research shows that there were about 6000 health care personnel in Aleppo prior conflicts, but after the war erupted in the country, this city was left with less than 20 medical and health care personnel (Rubenstein et al. 2015)

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