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Research And Describe The Main Causes Of Terrorism (Research Paper Sample)
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Terrorists use at least four force multipliers that play a significant role in contributing to the success of the attacks. The multipliers are mainly technology, media, religion and the transnational support. The transnational support serves as means of terrorist groups to cooperate planning, execution and even funding of the terrorist attacks (Leonard et al., 2014). A small group of attackers are usually in tie with a bigger one and hence an opportunity for growth and strategic planning exists leading to the success of the designated attacks. On the other hand, religion is the most fearsome of the four multipliers and can accelerate the number of attacks in any target state. Moreover, it plays a major role in getting willing people to exploit the weaknesses of the target nation through instilling pain and fear. Consequently, it contributes to the linkage between small and large terrorist groups and hence the attacks are likely to be successful and well designated.
The media is a great force in enhancing the transnational support and it passes a message geared towards other terrorist groups and the world as well. Furthermore, the message promotes comradeship that comes with the acceptance of the behavior (Leonard et al., 2014). Therefore, the media strengthens the terrorist groups and thus contributing to the success of any attack. Technology is the last multiplier that has effect in the success of a terrorist plan. Bombs existed even in the early 1900s but as technology develops, they become more sophisticated. As a result, it aids the terrorists in the creation and utilizing of the weapons of mass destruction and hence leading to the s...
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