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Materials Science And Chemistry: Motion Complexity (Research Paper Sample)


I was giving this task in Materials Science and CHemistry


Editing Test


* In this test, you will find extracts from research manuscripts.The test has been designed to gauge editorial sensibilities, language and grammar, mechanics and style, subject-matter expertise, referencing skills, logic and comprehension, and attention to detail.
* The passage contains errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling and most of the sentences are not written in native English. You need to edit the passage by correcting these errors.
* Note that we do not share detailed test results/feedback in order to keep the test reusable.


* Use Track Changes to edit the content (press Ctrl + Shift + E or select Track Changes from the Review tab). Make inline changes and do not strike off complete sentences and rewrite them separately.
* Use comments to communicate with the author. Comments can be inserted by selecting the relevant text and pressing Alt + I + M or New Comment from the Review tab.
* Use either American or British English, but not both.
* You may use a dictionary and/or thesaurus.
* Make a note of the time taken to complete editing each passage.
* Rename the file by adding your full name before the filename (e.g., “John Doe_Editing Test”).
* Standard vs. Premium edit: The choice of attempting a standard or premium edit is yours. Please mention whether you have attempted a standard/premium edit in the header.
We would like to add that we have a higher need for PES editors (please refer to the PES sample on page number 5).

Here are a few tips

1 Attention to detail: The edited passages should be free of all typographical errors. Authors tend to take a very serious note of these.
2 Language and grammar: Your edit should ensure that the passages are in flawless native English—adhering to the norms of good sentence structure, accurate word choice, and correct grammar and punctuation. Avoid informal words and expressions.
3 Content and meaning: When editing, be careful not to change the author’s content or the original meaning of a sentence or phrase. If you wish to make such a change because you think it is essential, bring this to the author’s attention through a comment.
4 Comments for the author: Communication with the author is important. Write comments to the author when you are not sure what a particular phrase means, when you are making a rather heavy edit, when you are unsure if your edit matches the original intent of the sentence, etc.
5 Consistency: Ensure consistency in edits and format: use abbreviations (if any) consistently, ensure that casing of terms and headings is consistent, etc.

Below is a sample edit to help you understand the kinds of edits you are expected to make.
Sample Edit

Motion complexity of a task depends not on the task itself but on how a human demonstrator shows demonstratesions of a the task, not depending a task itself. All There can be different successful demonstrations will be different even for of a single task, such as the a pouring task, depending on how much a the skill of the human demonstrator is skillful for in performing the demonstration motions and/or how cautious much athe human demonstrator is cautious to in showing what motions are relatively significant for to the success of a the task. In this work paper, we propose two measures to gauge motion significance and motion complexity of a task not from a task itself but from a set of human demonstrations of the task, rather than from the task itself.
Before introducing our proposed method, let us consider motion granularity of a manipulation task. Manipulation tasks usually consist of a mixture of coarse-grained and fine-grained motions. Coarse-grained motions of a manipulation task variesrange over a large space while during task executiong a manipulation task, when compared with fine-grained ones. It They also allows a large spatial variations of its motion and marginal reproduction whenile repeating conducting multiple repeated trials. In thisat case, human demonstrations tend to be executed to show with small temporal variations. (hHere, temporal variations are relatively small because of being the task is executed at a high speed in multiple trials.). On the other hand, fine-grained motions varies range over a small space, when compared with coarse-grained ones. It They requires a relatively small spatial variation of its motion and precise reproduction whenile repeating conducting multiple repeated trials. Human demonstrations of fine-grained motions tend to be executed to showwith large temporal variations. (hHere, temporal variations are relatively large because of being the task is executed at a low speed in multiple trials.).

Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Editorial Considerations: Level of edit (Standard vs Premium) PAGEREF _Toc449610316 \h 3Standard Edit sample PAGEREF _Toc449610317 \h 4Premium Edit sample PAGEREF _Toc449610318 \h 5Test passage: Materials Science PAGEREF _Toc449610319 \h 6
* Editorial considerations: Level of edit (Standard vs. Premium)
We offer two levels of editing—Standard (copyediting) and Premium (substantive editing). The table below provides an overview of the two services.
When attempting a Standard edit, please bear in mind points 1-5, which we consider integral to our service. A Premium edit should be reflective of points 1-8.


1. Language and grammar: Good sentence structure, accurate word choice, and correct grammar and punctuation

6. Flow, transition, and logic: Do the ideas flow logically and smoothly? Sentences and paragraphs should logically lead into one another and the text should form a coherent whole.

2. Content and meaning: Take care not to change the author’s content or the original meaning.

3. Attention to detail: The passage should be free of spacing and typographical errors.

7. Organization and structure of the text: Reorganize/restructure the text if necessary. For example, are the paragraphs organized appropriately and do they center on a single theme/topic?

4. Consistency in terminology and style: Pay attention to subject-area conventions, the use of abbreviations, capitalization, headline style, etc.

5. Comments to the author: Use comments to flag inconsistencies/inaccuracies, give suggestions for unclear portions, indicate heavy revisions, etc.

8. Presentation of information: Check to see if all the information is presented clearly? Can you suggest anything else or edit the text such that might help readers understand the text better?

(More information on our editorial considerations can be found on /joinus/freelance/faq.html)
* Samples
To help you understand the scope of the two services better, we have provided samples below. If you find it difficult to read the comments, please zoom in to get a better view.
* In case you face difficulties in reading the comments, please increase the zoom level of the document.
What we’ve done through the edit:
We have corrected grammatical errors, reworded awkwardly constructed sentences, replaced inappropriate words with appropriate ones, added transition words, and enhanced readability by moving clauses around. The paragraph is now error-free and is written in the style of a native English speaker.
What we’ve done through the edit:
We have added context and focus to the beginning of the paragraph, improved flow, plugged logic gaps, and rewritten entire sentences. This passage now has a central theme and the ideas within it flow well.
Test Passages

Materials science
Recent years have seen an increase in the usage of nanoparticles in nanorefrigerants and nanofluids to enhance heat transfer performance and reduce energy consumption [1-3]. In recent years, refrigerant-based nanofluids and nanorefrigerants have been introduced as significant effects of nanoparticles in heat transfer performance and energy c...
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