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The Moderation Effect of Work Engagement on Entrepreneurial Attitude and Organizational Commitment (Research Paper Sample)

THE RESEARCH PROJECT WAS ON The Moderation Effect of Work Engagement on Entrepreneurial Attitude and Organizational Commitment WHERE I WAS REQUIRED TO TEST THREE HYPOTHESES THAT INCLUDE: Hypothesis 1: There will be a positive and significant contribution of entrepreneurial attitude towards work engagement. Hypothesis 2: Entrepreneurial attitudes of employees significantly contribute to a low level of organizational commitment. Hypothesis 3: Work engagement is statistically significant in moderating the effects of entrepreneurial attitudes on organizational commitment among employees? i FOLLOWED THE CONVENTIONAL RESEARCH PAPER FORMAT, ADDRESSING THE INTRODUCTION, LITERATURE REVIEW, METHODOLOGY, FINDINGS, DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSION source..
The Moderation Effect of Work Engagement Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc98456123 \h 4Introduction PAGEREF _Toc98456124 \h 5Background and Importance PAGEREF _Toc98456125 \h 5Research Problem PAGEREF _Toc98456126 \h 6Contribution PAGEREF _Toc98456127 \h 7Research Objectives and Questions PAGEREF _Toc98456128 \h 8Research Objectives PAGEREF _Toc98456129 \h 8Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc98456130 \h 8Research Hypothesis PAGEREF _Toc98456131 \h 9Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc98456132 \h 9Moderating Effects of Work Engagement on Entrepreneurial Attitude PAGEREF _Toc98456133 \h 9Moderating Effects of Work Engagement on Organizational Commitment PAGEREF _Toc98456134 \h 13Research Gaps PAGEREF _Toc98456135 \h 16The link between Variables PAGEREF _Toc98456136 \h 16Methodology PAGEREF _Toc98456137 \h 17Study Population PAGEREF _Toc98456138 \h 17Sample Selection Criteria and Sampling Technique PAGEREF _Toc98456139 \h 18Data Collection and Analysis PAGEREF _Toc98456140 \h 18Variables and Measurements PAGEREF _Toc98456141 \h 18Source of Questions PAGEREF _Toc98456142 \h 19Results and Analysis PAGEREF _Toc98456143 \h 19Demographic Profile PAGEREF _Toc98456144 \h 19Descriptive Statistics PAGEREF _Toc98456145 \h 22Reliability PAGEREF _Toc98456146 \h 24Factor Analysis PAGEREF _Toc98456147 \h 25Correlation PAGEREF _Toc98456148 \h 26Regression PAGEREF _Toc98456149 \h 27Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc98456150 \h 30Main Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc98456151 \h 30Implication to Theory PAGEREF _Toc98456152 \h 31Limitations and Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc98456153 \h 31References PAGEREF _Toc98456154 \h 32 Abstract Purpose The purpose of the study is to examine how work engagement among employees will moderate the effects of their entrepreneurial attitudes on organizational commitment. The existence of entrepreneurial intention among employees is likely to lower their level of organizational commitment. The employees will shift their focus on building their enterprises, resulting in low commitment levels. Research Methodology The study used a predictive non-experimental survey design to examine the moderation effect of work engagement on entrepreneurial attitude and organizational commitment of employees randomly selected from the United Arab Emirates real estate sector. Using a sample size of 100 participants randomly recruited from the sector, the research uses a quantitative research method where there are both descriptive and inferential statistical analyses to test the hypothesis and understand the data distribution. Findings The study confirms the hypothesis that there will be a positive and significant contribution of entrepreneurial attitude towards work engagement. The analysis also demonstrates that entrepreneurial attitudes of employees significantly contribute to a low level of organizational commitment. It also shows that work engagement plays an important moderating role in the effect of entrepreneurial attitudes on work engagement. Practical Implications The findings will inform the strategic actions of companies in structuring the workforce to reduce the employee turnover that often arises from employees quitting to explore entrepreneurial goals. The Moderation Effect of Work Engagement on Entrepreneurial Attitude and Organizational Commitment Introduction Background and Importance Employee work engagement and organizational commitment have received significant research attention in the last decade. The position of work engagement in influencing the organizational commitment of employees, their job performance, and retention are some of the drivers of extensive research in this area. Agyemang and Ofei (2013) described employee engagement as the positive and affective psychological work-related mental state that motivates employees to work and invest in themselves for better job performance. According to the researchers, highly engaged employees in an organization tend to show high commitment to their work. The employees also record high involvement and loyalty to an organization (Hanaysha, 2016). Agyemang and Ofei (2013) also reported that engaged employees will feel positive about their work, supporting a high level of involvement in the job responsibilities. The effect of these is high innovativeness and low turnover for stronger job performance. As the cost of employee turnover continues to grow, companies are exploring organizational commitment as an important factor that can help an organization retain employees and understand citizenship behaviors among its staff. Cho, Laschinger, and Wong (2006) described organizational commitment as the psychological connection between an employee and the organization they work for, making one less likely to voluntarily quit an organization for other opportunities, including entrepreneurial attitudes. The commitment of an employee towards an organization will depend on their attachment, involvement, and identification with an organization. Arguably, workers with a strong commitment toward organizations will stay with the employer, reducing the turnover rates. An entrepreneurial attitude is a psychological status of an individual that encourages the pursuit of new businesses or ventures. An individual's conviction to start a new business will depend on the entrepreneurial attitude. However, other factors such as risk tolerance, intrinsic motivation, and innovativeness are also likely to inform the entrepreneurial attitude of individuals. The level of workplace engagement for employees is expected to affect entrepreneurial attitudes and organizational commitment (Rurkkhum & Bartlett, 2012). High engagement in the workplace will result in the development of entrepreneurial intention and commitment among the employees. Past studies have demonstrated that more entrepreneurial employees are likely to quit their jobs and start their businesses or firms (Smith & Macko, 2014; Hanaysha, 2016; Rurkkhum & Bartlett, 2012). Entrepreneurial attitudes of employees in an organization will have a significant and positive impact on work engagement. However, it has the potential to divert the attention of employees, negatively affecting their level of commitment. Entrepreneurial attitudes among employees make them more innovative and active in their job roles, which explains the high level of engagement. Research Problem The global business environment is fast-evolving as competition continues to grow. The uncertainties of the global organizational environment caused by health issues such as COVID-19 also make human resource management a challenging task for corporate leaders (Rurkkhum & Bartlett, 2012). More than ever before, the cost of employee turnover is growing, negatively influencing job performance and overall organizational performance (Xiong & Wen, 2020). The success of an organization will depend on the ability to enhance work engagement for stronger organizational commitment among employees. Moreover, companies are intensifying their investments in innovation and resource development through training programs. Innovation is an important investment that ensures a company remains competitive and relevant in an evolving business environment. Despite the efforts to build competent and innovative human resources, organizations still record high levels of turnover. It reflects a problem with the engagement and organizational commitment among the employees in an organization. More entrepreneurial employees are likely to quit their jobs and start their businesses or firms. Entrepreneurial attitudes of employees in an organization will have a significant and positive impact on work engagement. Therefore, it is important to explore how work engagement will moderate the effects of entrepreneurial attitudes on organizational commitment. The effects of organizational commitments in employee performance and firm productivity make the study relevant. It is important to explore the problem and understand how work engagement moderates the effects of entrepreneurial attitudes on organizational commitment. Studying the issue is also critical in understanding the factors that will influence the commitment and engagement of employees in the workplace. Contribution The study makes a significant contribution to both practitioners and researchers. It contributes to the limited literature on entrepreneurial attitude and its influence on organizational involvement. The article will provide an important reference to researchers building literature on the moderation role of work engagement on entrepreneurial attitude and organizational commitment. The study findings also make an important contribution to organizational commitment. It provides useful insights to corporate leaders on addressing organizational commitment among employees with entrepreneurial objectives. The findings will strengthen corporate governance from the perspectives of organizational commitment and management of entrepreneurial intentions of employees. Research Objectives and Questions Research Objectives The purpose of the study is to examine how work engagement among employees will moderate the effects of their entrepreneurial attitudes on organizational commitment. The existence of entrepreneurial intention among employees is likely to lower their level of organizational commitment. The employees will shift their focus on building their enterprises, resulting in low commitment levels. However, some expectations of work engagement can moderate the effect. Since entrepreneurial attitude is expected to significantly and positively contribute to work engagement, the involvement in job responsibilities will reduce the intention to quit and explore entrepreneurial ventures. Therefore, the overall objective of the study is to examine how organizations can retain their entrepreneurial employees through work engagement and organizational co...
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