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A persuasive essay on the cognitive effects of caffeine. (Research Paper Sample)


write a persuasive essay explaining the cognitive effects of caffeine


Effects of caffeine on the cognitive functions
[Student’s Name]
[Institution Affiliation]
Caffeine is a substance that evokes pharmacological changes in human body. It is the most used psychoactive substance globally. Caffeine is extracted from plants and it is also found in various common foodstuffs, medicines and beverages. The use of Caffeine significantly drove the researchers to investigate whether it has a cognitive effect in human functioning. It has diverse benefits in human body compared to effects.
In the recent years researchers investigated whether Caffeine enhances specific cognitive functions in human body or not. The researchers stated that Caffeine increased the arousal and overcame the fatigue and therefore its consumption enhanced specific cognitive functions.
Caffeine absorption in the gastrointestinal tract was rapidly absorbed in during the research. Peak concentration of the caffeine substance in the blood plasma took half an hour and the highest percentage was completely absorbed. 

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