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Depression and Suicide in Sports Psychology (Research Paper Sample)

This was an issue paper. It involved selecting an issue or subject related to sports psychology and then analyzing it. In detail. In THis paper, I selected Depression and Suicide in Sports Psychology. I broke down the issue into different segments and gave solutions where necessary. To show comprehension of the topic, I borrowed topics and subjects from other areas that I trusted, such as healthcare. source..
Depression and Suicide in Sports Psychology Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code Instructor's Name Date Depression and Suicide in Sports Psychology Sports psychology is a subject that is often viewed with skepticism and distrust, but those traits are exactly why we should pay attention. Many people see us as the bad guys or don't take us seriously enough to listen. That's where we can change perceptions of sports psychologists by speaking up on issues like depression in sports, suicide prevention and mental health. The main reason for Depression and Suicide in Sports is that people feel responsible for their duties and blamed if they do not perform up to expectations. People feel a sense of guilt or shame when they cannot fulfill their obligations. People may also feel that their life has no meaning or purpose, leading to depression or suicide. Sports are healthful and fun, but the pressure of winning can often bring on more stress than the game's stakes. The pressure of high performance can take its toll on anyone. In sports, many mental factors lead to depression, like the lack of attention and care, pressured environment, and overuse of prescription drugs. Lack of attention to the Sport is because coaches may push athletes too hard, and athletes don't have enough time to rest or recover from strenuous practices and matches. This leads to mental health issues like anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, substance abuse, eating disorders and self-injury (Elliott, 2018). Mental health problems are a major contributor to injury and illness, particularly in elite sports. Major depressive disorders are the leading cause of disability worldwide and can lead to self-harm, bullying, eating disorders and behavioral addiction. The relationship between depression and suicidal ideation in the athlete is a complex topic. Exposure to extreme stressors, such as those involved with sports, can lead to mental health problems and a higher risk of developing depression or other disorders. This link will strongly impact athletes' lives, especially among professional athletes. The causes of depression and suicide are complicated but can be linked to many factors such as personal relationships, career problems and physical illnesses (Elliott, 2018). Professional athletes face the same challenges as everyone else and often turn to addictive drugs such as alcohol and painkillers to help them cope with the pressures of a high-stakes career. Depression can also make an athlete more susceptible to physically threatening situations that might lead them to consider taking their own life. Depression can affect an athlete's performance, characteristics, and mental health. However, research has shown that professional athletes are more likely to be depressed than the average person. The incidence of these problems is significantly higher in male athletes than in females, particularly those engaged in sports where team competition is important. Also, people in sports suffer from depression at a rate of 22% compared to single adults, who report 17% (Rao & Hong, 2016). The National Institute of Trauma and Psychiatry reports that more than one-third of all suicides are related to depression. Professional athletes also report high rates of depression and mental health problems. The personal factors that may contribute to depression and suicide in sports for professional athletes include poor self-esteem, personality disorders, low intelligence, anxiety and stress from practicing the different techniques of the Sport, and peer pressure from other athletes of the same gender which encourages participation in sports at an early age. Because the world of professional athletes is strongly focused on winning and success, the pressure accompanying this pursuit can lead to mental illness (Smith, 2018). Other factors include abuse from parents, lack of support from friends and family, or violence at home or in the community. Not enough exercise or sleep also plays a role in depression and suicide. The environmental factors that may contribute to depression and suicide in sports for professional athletes include lack of career counseling before entering a competitive sports career, lack of support system, and encouragement during training sessions to reduce feelings of isolation or low self-confidence. There may also be a lack of retirement benefits from coaches and financial support from governing bodies. Another reason is that many sports athletes get huge support from their coach, who pushes them further and harder than any other person (Chang et al., 2020). Sportive culture also means bullying among athletes, who sometimes lack self-confidence or even realize they're not good enough at something. The poor atmosphere among teammates also leads to depression and suicidal thoughts among athletes and their family members. The last reason is disrespectful behavior towards athletes by parents and coaches who influence their children through the example they set on themselves when they were younger. When they become adults, they see this example again during their training process and feel ashamed of themselves after seeing how others treat them with no respect or consideration for their wellbeing. The importance of mental health has long been acknowledged within the Sport, but recent developments in the way we learn about and respond to mental health issues indicate that the issue is becoming more significant within the sports world. Since several physiological, psychological and social factors in sports affect mental health, it is important to understand how each can impact players' mental health and participation in sports (Sun et al., 2020). Athletes and coaches must be aware of the signs and symptoms of depression and always remember to seek help and support when needed. Many athletes have to confront the fear that their illness will somehow be exposed, resulting in banishment from social life and an inability to compete. It also poses a challenge for coaches, who must be reassured that these people can positively influence their teams despite mental health issues. The current solution is numerous, including counseling and physical therapy, but mainly the drug Prozac. It has not been established that the use of illegal drugs by professional athletes contributes to depression and suicide in athletes, despite some experts' claims. In the sports world, there are numerous methods for preventing depression and suicide (Chang et al., 2020). Reaching out to a trusted professional, such as a coach, teammate or family member, is an important step if you or someone you care about experiences depression or thoughts of suicide. Some people may benefit from medication and counseling interventions to help manage symptoms present from the start. To help prevent depression and suicide, sports leagues can work with various mental health professionals to offer individuals suffering from these illnesses resources that could help them improve their quality of life, reduce their isolation and feel valued by other athletes. Sports organizations can help achieve good mental health away from depression and suicide in sports through several methods (Rao & Hong, 2016). Sports organizations can help their athletes by providing access to resources and by understanding that mental health issues are the same as physical health in keeping the athlete healthy. Many coaches have limitations in what can be done regarding mental health, but being aware that mental health issues exist is one way for them to help out. Coaches and trainers commonly provide psychological counseling services and develop or participate in intervention programs that reduce the risk of self-harming behavior among athletes, such as motivational interviewing techniques (Rao & Hong, 2016). Another approach is to arrange follow-up sessions for athletes who show signs of stress, anxiety or depression after completing training sessions. Coach education is also important to increase awareness about mental health issues among athletes and their families. Sports organizations can also develop programs that will help the health of their members. The programs are more than just physical activity and nutrition; they should include mental exercises, awareness campaigns, personal ...
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