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The Effect Of Different Flyers Psychology Research (Research Paper Sample)


Independent Variable- The design of two flyers that is almost identical promoting an earning seminars except one flyer had TURN UP in all caps and the other flyer had EARN UP in all caps.
Dependent Variable-How many people would respond to the flyers?
Operational Definition of the Independent variable- How many people would respond to the TURN UP flyer
Operational Definition of the Dependent Variable- How many people would respond to the EARN UP flyer
Result-200 calls from people asking about a party to TURN UP and 25 people calling about earning increase EARN UP. The study showed that people never read the entire flyer and was more interested in having fun then having financial security.
* Annotated Bibliography


Two Flyers Design with the Title Earn Up and the Other Turn Up
Annotated Bibliography
Cristina Ziliani & Marco Leva, (2015) "Retail shopper marketing: the future of promotional flyers," Journal of Distribution & Retail , Vol. 43 Iss: 6, pp.488 – 502
The book explains the recent evolution of flyers and describes how tools of traditional marketing are applied to generate insight to customers. Cristina and Marco (2015) find out that some changes are taking course in flyer based promotions due to fertilization of loyalty data. Retailers are using metrics as a way of improving negotiations with stake holders. As the authors endeavor to support an innovative shopper markets approach, three themes come out clearly, and they are one, the revolution of flyers which the customer incorporation insight drives and brings about flyer digitalization. Two, an increase in the number of online aggregators of flyers, and three the evolution of flyer management processes. The research points out four areas for future researchers to explore, and they are electronic intermediaries, competition, marketing organization, and promotion innovation.
Shiller, R. J. (2013). Financial & capitalism innovation. Financial Analysts Journal, 69(1).
Robert Shiller discusses his opinion on capitalism in the CFA Institute where the Financial Analysts Seminar took place in Chicago. Shiller, a finance professor at Yale University, argues that for one to enjoy success and achieve society goals, he or she should update capitalism constantly. Financiers are contributing towards attaining capitalism through some recent innovations that include crowd funding, benefit corporations, and social impact bond.
Garcia, M. J. R. (2013). Financial behavioral and education finance: new insights into the role of information in financial decisions. Journal of Economic Surveys, 27(2), 297-315.
According to Garcia's research, recent evidence on experimental activities and surveys offers economists some new insights on how people use information to make financial decisions in financial education and behavioral finance fields. Psychological aspects of an individual at times eliminate or reduce the significance of information in making financial decisions like individual overconfidence, or an individual’s failure to process abundant or complex information.
Jensen, B. B., Orquin, J., & Bech-Larsen, T. (2014). Distinguishing passive recipients from active decliners of flyers?. Journal of Retailing and Consuming , 21(1), 1-8.
As much as sales are increasing due to flyer advertisements, scores of customers decline to receive the flyers while others dispose them after a quick scan. Jensen, Orquin, & Bech-Larsen examine behavioral and attitudinal factors differentiating active and passive recipients of flyers. The outcome is that decliners are less conscious when it comes to price, so most of them consider flyers less useful and more convenient. Decliners mostly use other forms of media less to search deals as compared to receivers and are inclined to searching grocery deals on internet platforms. Retailers must focus on using the internet to advertise because addressing the lack of use and inconvenience of flyers may prove a hard nut to crack.
Martínez-López, F. J., Barrales-Molina, V. & Gázquez-Abad, J. C., (2014). Profiling the flyer-prone consumer. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(6), 966-975.
Martinez, Barrales-Molina & Gazquez, (2014) predict the likelihood of less prone consumers and highly prone ones to retain flyers in terms of demographic, economic, and shopping-related variables. The empirical findings indicate that including price discounts support is not necessarily important if a retailer or manufacturer intends to elevate the probability of a customer storing the flyer. However, the reliability of flyers depends on the consumer’s perception of its importance.
Kashyap, A. K. & Diamond, D. W., (2016). Liquidity choice, requirement, and financial stability (No. w22053). National Economic Research.
In the study, Kashyap and Diamond discuss how people are inclined to spend a lot of money to enjoy today without preparing for the future. One in every ten people would rather live in the moment, while more than five out of ten people treat themselves without planning for it. Most people think about short term happiness and disregard the consequences that may come later on in life. Even when people save, they do not save with an intention of investing, but they save so that they can visit extravagant places during the holidays or attend famed events.
This research finds out why people are more inclined to have fun rather than have financial stability, and the research topic is ‘Two flyers design with the title EARN UP and the other TURN UP.' The research intends to find out how many people would respond to the flyer with the title EARN UP as compared to the one titled TURN UP. In the research, the youth of between eighteen and thirty-five years are going to be the participants because in most cases they are the targets of financial seminars. The results determine that two hundred people call in response to the TURN UP seminar while only twenty-five people call in the reaction to the EARN UP seminar. According to the research, it is evident that many of the participants do not read the entire flyer and so they called to find out about the TURN UP not knowing it was a finance seminar. Since many prefer enjoying the moment while it lasts, they forget to invest so that they do not need to worry about the inability of taking care of their expenses. Many of the participants do not understand the need to save for future financial goals as well as emergencies. In conclusion, most people are interested in merry making as opposed to working hard for financial security.
The first method used is the observation of the participants given the Flyers where the immediate reaction of all participants was noted.
The second method is waiting for feedback from all who got the Flyers regardless of thee title.
The participants in the study are a number of youth aged from eighteen to thirty-five years. The research dubbed ‘Two flyers design with the title EARN UP and the other TURN UP' uses people in this age because they are the targets of EARN UP and TURN UP seminars, as well as many other financial seminars held in our daily lives. Another reason why the youth is used as the participants is that they understand the words TURN UP, hence it quickly draws their attention to the flyer. Using an elderly group as the subject of the research may not aid in producing the desired results.
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