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Mindfulness (Research Paper Sample)

This is the introduction part of a literature review assignment that was requested for a job application; I wasn't accepted because I don't have the right to work in Canada. However, this sample provides a definition of mindfulness, how it functions, how it is applied in pain management, and how it can be integrated into positive psychology interventions. The introduction concludes that there is a promising potential association between mindfulness and positive psychology source..
Mindfulness Ben Ayad Hatim University of Abdelmalek Essaâdi, faculty of sciences of Tetouan Course Number and Name Instructor Name Due Date Mindfulness Mindfulness is considered an important construct used in pain-reducing therapy, primarily in clinical environments (Dimidjian & Segal, 2015), as well as in other settings such as workplaces (Good et al., 2016) and schools (Sibinga et al., 2016). Mindfulness can be defined as a state of awareness of the current experience that requires openness and acceptance of thoughts and feelings without judgment and over-identifying with them (Allen et al., 2006; Bishop et al., 2004; Creswell, 2017; Davis & Hayes, 2012). The application of mindfulness is evident in mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs), which have been found to yield several positive outcomes for physical and mental health (Allen et al., 2006; Creswell, 2017). In fact, MBIs have been shown to increase body awareness, promote relaxation, and enhance stress management, thus reducing the risk of various diseases (Creswell, 2017). Additionally, MBIs have been associated with reducing the risk of depression relapse (Creswell, 2017), alleviating anxiety and depression symptoms (Allen et al., 2006; Creswell, 2017), decreasing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (Creswell, 2017), and mitigating symptoms of eating disorders (Allen et al., 2006; Kristeller & Hallett, 1999). Recently, mindfulness applications have been suggested as effective in promoting hedonic well-being, which contributes to the enhancement of mental health (Allen et al., 2021; Ryff & Singer, 1996). These new applications of mindfulness are referred to as mindfulness-positive interventions (MPIs), aiming to enhance individuals' positive functioning (Allen et al., 2021). In fact, it appears that MPIs share the same goal with positive psychology (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Moreover, MPIs can promote hope, optimism, and emotional intelligence (Cohen & Miller, 2009; Heckenberg et al., 2019; Munoz et al., 2018), which are essential variables in positive psychology (Gable & Haidt, 2005; Sachau, 2007; Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Therefore, it can be assumed that MPIs can play a significant role at an earlier stage in preventing mental illness and enhancing the overall well-being of individuals. References Allen, N. B., Blashki, G., & Gullone, E. (2006). Melbourne Academic Mindfulness Interest Group.(2006). Mindfulness-based psychotherapies: A review of conceptual foundations, empirical evidence and practical considerations. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 40(4), 285-294. Allen, J. G., Romate, J., & Rajkumar, E. (2021). Mindfulness-based positive psychology interventions: a systematic review. BMC psychology, 9(1), 1-18. Bishop, S. R., Lau, M., Shapiro, S., Carlson, L., Anderson, N. D., Carmody, J., ... & Devins, G. (2004). Mindfulness: A proposed operational definition. Clinical psychology: Science and practice, 11(3), 230. Cohen, J. S., & Miller, L. J. (2009). Interpersonal mindfulness training for well-being: A pilot study with psychology graduate students. Teachers College Record, 111(12), 2760-2774. Creswell, J. D. (2017). Mindfulness interventions. Annual review of psychology, 68, 491-516. Davis, D. M., & Hayes, J. A. (2012). What are the benefits of mindfulness?: A wealth of new research has explored this age-old practice. Here's a look at its benefits for both clients and psychologists. Dimidjian, S., & Segal, Z. V. (2015). Prospects for a clinical science of mindfulness-based intervention. American Psychologist, 70(7), 593. Gable, S. L., & Haidt, J. (2005). What (and why) is positive psychology?. Review of general psychology, 9(2), 103-110.
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