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Relational Characteristics assignment (Research Paper Sample)

Dear Writer, please write the research paper on topic: Dominique from the show Grand army. source..
Relational Characteristics assignment Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor’s Name Due Date Relational Characteristics assignment Grand Army series is a series that provides a story of students that struggle with racial, economic politics, and sexual issues while in high school and fight so hard to succeed. Dominique Pierre is one of the characters in the grand army series, a bright basketball team player. Dominique struggles to provide for her nephew and niece while still trying to keep her spot on the basketball team (Cappiello, 2020). Being a black woman, her significant dream is to join university after high school and become a licensed therapist. Her dream is to help her family and offer mental health services primarily to black people. She is compassionate and self-driven. Therefore, this paper summarizes Dominique Pierre's relational characteristics from the grand Army series. Need-based focus is one of the relational characteristics that Dominique portrays in the series. She is determined to work hard and join university to become a licensed therapist to assist black people (Cappiello, 2020). All she cares about is meeting social and personal needs. Not only is he need-based but also family-oriented. She portrays a responsive development practice by struggling very much while at school to offer her nephew and niece financial support. She highly recognizes the needs of her young ones and responds efficiently. According to Small and Fulcher, an individual responds to their needs consistently during their stages of development (Small and Fulcher, 2006). She takes the role of the second mom in her family. Dominique often hangs out with her friends. According to CYC practitioners, a person spends time with other people during their free time (Garfat, 1999). Hanging out with friends builds trust and safety in a relationship. Dominique spends most of her time with her boyfriend. It implies that she is wholly engaged profoundly. According to CYC practitioners, being in a relat...
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