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Council of Trent that ended in 1563 (Research Paper Sample)


Research on the propositions and the results of the council of trent


Running head: Council of Trent that ended in 1563
Council of Trent that ended in 1563
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Date: 2nd February, 2021
The council of Trent took place in Italy around 1545-1563. It was convened owing to the protestant reformation which was growing against the Catholic Church.
The first proposition was that justification by faith alone was condemned. . Faith was not the only condition of salvation as stipulated by Protestants. The second proposition was that Apocrypha was part of the Biblical cannon and hence, such writings and traditions would continue being practiced in the Catholic Church. The third proposition is that it affirmed the doctrine of transubstantiation hence the concept of bread being the body of Christ and wine being the Body was upheld. In addition, the council called for reformation of the practice of indulgence and condemned those who said that it was useless. Further, the council affirmed celibacy of marriage and having such ceremony take place before priest and two witnesses. It was also during the council that the Julian calendar was corrected giving accurate Easter holiday scheduling. The leap years were thus reduced from 100 to 97 in four centuries (O’Malley, 2013).
As the council condemned the heresies and gave explanations regarding the Catholic Church teachings and creed, there was return of many fol

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