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Jesus’ Greatest Miracle (Research Paper Sample)


Which one of Christ's miracles had the greatest impact on his ministry? Why do you believe this miracle had the biggest impact?


Jesus’ Greatest Miracle
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Jesus’ Greatest Miracle
Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to the earth in order to save mankind from sin and reconcile him back to God. In order to convince humanity that indeed He was the Son of God, He had to do many miraculous signs to support His claim. The bible is full of numerous miraculous signs which Jesus performed when he was on earth. This paper will focus on one sign and explain why I consider it to have the greatest impact on His ministry.
One of the greatest miracles of Jesus which had the greatest impact on His ministry is the raising of Lazarus. This miracle is recorded In John 11:35-43. The story is about a man named Lazarus whose sisters Mary and Martha were

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