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Agriculture: Mankind’s Worst Mistake Social Sciences Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)




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Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc26248030 \h 32 Uncovering evidence PAGEREF _Toc26248031 \h 32.1 Paleopathology PAGEREF _Toc26248032 \h 43 Reasons why agriculture is deemed the worst mistake PAGEREF _Toc26248033 \h 53.1 Health factors PAGEREF _Toc26248034 \h 53.2 Class divisions PAGEREF _Toc26248035 \h 63.3 Inequality between sexes PAGEREF _Toc26248036 \h 64 Why agriculture? PAGEREF _Toc26248037 \h 65 Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc26248038 \h 7Notes PAGEREF _Toc26248039 \h 8
Agriculture: Mankind’s Worst Mistake
1 Introduction
Approximately 15,000 years ago, homo sapiens were discovered to have spread to majority of the habitable locations around the world. They were considered to be the only bipedal hominid species. These people practiced just one lifestyle, hunting and gathering. It has been approximated that the lifestyle began to change drastically 15,000 years ago whereby people started practicing rearing of animals and planting crops such as rice, maize and wheat (Caradonna, 2016). The processes are referred to as transition to agriculture or simply, domestication. Science has been of great essence to humanity in all aspects of life. A good example is seen where science informed people of their origin as well as the other species origin. Archeology is of the contrary opinion that the history of human race has been progressive in nature over the past 10,000 years (Caradonna, 2016).
According to the recent discovery in certain regions of the world such as the middle east and southern Europe, the discovery and onset of agriculture is a representative of great disaster and the chances of recovering from it are very minimal. Any individual would find the idea that agriculture is disastrous as very preposterous. The reason for this is that our modern life is considered to be better compared to the archaic life the medieval ancestors lived. The medieval ancestors had a better quality of life as compared to the hunter gatherers. The luxuries that the current human beings tend to have when it comes to food consumption are in terms of quality as well as variety. Many human beings do not have to live in constant fear of starvation and predators. They are also able to accomplish very great things without using so much energy as a result oft the advent of machineries and equipment. However, it is essential for one to be comprehensive when associating agriculture to progress (Jared, 1999).
In order to substantially answer the question of whether agriculture was a mistake, one must answer the old utilitarian conundrum whereby people ask themselves whether it is better off to have a few individuals in the planet that have a good quality of life or have many people who have very poor lifestyles. The main aim of this paper is to dispute the claim that agriculture led to progress and argue that agriculture is humanity’s worse mistake whereby people and the planet would be better off if they had remained hunters-gatherers (Jared, 1999).

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