Determining Solutions To Prevent Workers In Child Welfare To Quit (Research Paper Sample)
provide four solutions to prevent workers in child care to quit . then provide pros and cons for each solution. identify barriers for each solution and how you will address those barriers . lastly, choose one of the four soultions explain why you chose the solution over the other three and provide supported literature.
Solutions To Prevent Workers In Child Welfare To Quit
The initiation of organizations such as child welfare focuses on maintaining children's well-being to improve their health in the public sector. Therefore, the organizational policies set standards that protect children from harmful effects such as poverty, family and parenting problems resulting in child abuse. Achieving all these goals, the organization needs human labor to supervise the welfare of children in different parts of the world. However, each organization experience challenges that may cause failure (White et al., 2019). To avoid such issue solutions is the key factor to consider. Some of the challenges include; shortage of resources, time constraints, and inadequate skilled personnel willing to make social workers. Creating solutions that will address all the challenges will be the best strategy to curb the organization's diverse effect of job quitting—formulating which case to analyze, maintain self-care, create time to refresh, and establish good relationships among employees and employers (Jevne, 2017).
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