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Social Sciences
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Qatar’s Big Role in Mediating Conflicts in The Gulf Region (Research Paper Sample)


study aimed at examining the great role played by Qatar in mediation of political conflicts and disputes in the gulf region, which has enabled this tiny country to gain much diplomatic prowess.


Tiny Qatar’s Big Role in Mediating Conflicts and Enhancing Transitions in The Gulf Region
Tiny Qatar’s Big Role in Mediating Conflicts and Enhancing Transitions in The Gulf Region
This paper focuses on a study aimed at examining the great role played by Qatar in mediation of political conflicts and disputes in the gulf region, which has enabled this tiny country to gain much diplomatic prowess. To realize this objective, the researcher has relied on secondary information from various academics sources related to the topic for this study. The researcher focuses on Qatar mediations to past conflicts and disputes in four nations namely; Yemen, Sudan, Libya and Lebanon. The available information in various secondary sources is combined and analysed to provide an adequate coverage of Qatar’s intervention policies in conflicts and disputes in the aforementioned nations. The analysis demonstrates the success of Qatar in mediation strategies that have helped this country to become a major regional force in intervening to conflicts and disputes, either alone or in coalition with other international actors. The researcher relied on Qualitative strategy to achieve the results for this study. The analysis of the various academic sources indicate that Qatar has recently achieved much diplomatic progress compared to most nations in the gulf region and globally, which have always been perceived to possess more power and influence than this tiny nation. This success has been brought out by its unique and effective mediation approaches. Before presenting the methodology and analysis of the secondary data, the paper gives a critical overview of the past academic literature related to the topic of study.

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