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Religion in Sociological perspective. Social Sciences Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


the task was about research on religion in sociological perspective


Religion in Sociological Perspective
Cleon James
Online University
Author Note
A student at Online University, NVD, LVG, 1107.
It is a research paper delving on the various sociological perspectives and theories and how they influence religion in our society. The thesis builds a solid argument dating back from the classical times of our founders and fathers of Sociology. It investigates how sociology has been transitioning and affecting the modern society setup in all aspects of livelihood with bias towards religion.
Keywords: Sociology, Religion, Sociological perspectives
Religion in Sociological Perspective
Sociology is a study in the science discipline that focuses on how people live in the society in relation to their social behavior. It is quite evident that sociology affects directly on daily societal human interaction aspects: culture, politics and religion. The main emphasis for this dissertation is on the latter. Emile Durkheim viewed religion as an integrated organization of practices and beliefs relative to sacred things. Therefore, religion becomes, “the ideological, symbolic and social device by which the individual and collective awareness of belonging to a particular lineage of believers is created, maintained, developed and controlled,” (Davie, 1996, p. 110). Various theorists in sociology opine divergently on how religion touches human society. Numerous perspectives emerge, with others tackling it from conflict outlook, some from interactions view and others from functionalist viewpoint.

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