Solutions to Prevent Workers in Child Welfare to Quit (Research Paper Sample)
provide four solutions to prevent workers in child care to quit . then provide pros and cons for each solution. identify barriers for each solution and how you will address those barriers . lastly, choose one of the four soultions explain why you chose the solution over the other three and provide supported literature.
Solutions To Prevent Workers In Child Welfare To Quit
The initiation of organizations such as child welfare focuses on maintaining children's well-being to improve their health in the public sector. Therefore, the organizational policies set standards that protect children from harmful effects such as poverty, family and parenting problems resulting in child abuse. Achieving all these goals, the organization needs human labor to supervise the welfare of children in different parts of the world. However, each organization experience challenges that may cause failure (White et al., 2019). To avoid such issue solutions is the key factor to consider. Some of the challenges include; shortage of resources, time constraints, and inadequate skilled personnel willing to make social workers. Creating solutions that will address all the challenges will be the best strategy to curb the organization's diverse effect of job quitting—formulating which case to analyze, maintain self-care, create time to refresh, and establish good relationships among employees and employers (Jevne, 2017).
Determining appropriate case
Determining which case scenario to handle as a department is the best move to avoid job quit in child welfare organizations. Assigning each department concerning their profession will create a balanced labor cost avoiding overworking employees. For instance, one may best handle a case of a violent child as the other being best on an issue of well-being and development of a child. Formulating such strategies will ensure smoothness and consistency among workers because there is time to handle each case (Bindman et al., 2018). Such a solution helps workers develop an agreed schedule of activities for efficiency to avoid extra workload that may be left unattended. Workers will have enough time to complete accepted cases hence resulting in quality work. Although other challenges might come up, like inconvenience among workers, not knowing which area to handle or mismanaging listed points is a significant concern in such areas. With the help of skilled personnel, staff members can manage topics through teamwork, ensuring all cases are executed without inconvenience.
Maintaining Self-care
Maintaining self-care is also a solution. Good physical and appropriate mental health is advisable to the workers since one has to take care of themselves first before taking care of others. Ensuring frequent check-ups and proper grooming of workers is facilitated majorly by the management of the workers (Middleton et al., 2019). The management promotes healthy behaviors' among employees through hosting on-site well-being and health program events. Self-care prevents burnout by creating a healthy relationship and respond to stress conveniently (Broadhurst & Harwin, 2020). They are maintaining self-care results in high production, enhancing employees engagement within the organization. Typically, it encourages workers to preserve and even cope with even the most stressful situations since workers interact with their workmates and share the different problems in the work process. For example, frequent encounters with negative traumatic situations while working involving violent and hostile families during fieldwork might lead to secondary traumatic stress disorder; hence, the condition is identified early and treated. Therefore, the physical and mental health of social workers is threatened during hostile and violent events. But through different health programs organized by the workers' management, good and healthy life of workers is guaranteed (Middleton et al., 2019).
Enough time to refresh
Enough time for rest that entails having fun as needed. As much as every organization has rules, even the Bible acknowledges rest, just like God rested on the seventh day after work (Broadhurst & Harwin, 2020). Scientifically for the body also to function well, the body needs enough rest. Through enough sleep, rest needs are fulfilled, and recreational activities relaxation needs are met. Recreational activities such as staff tour to the coastal sandy beaches, movie nights, visit the museum, and awarding gifts as a bonus for good work provides the workers with time for rest, relaxation, and motivation to work (Gümüscü et al., 2018). In addition, giving a day off duty to the workers in shifts also helps since one can rest, relax, have time for personal issues and spend some quality time with family. All these give the workers time to refresh their minds to accommodate and generate new quality ideas to improve their task force and capabilities. Therefore, taking time to rest and relax is essential, especially in demanding the mind and body function effectively. Also, immediate feedback on improving efficiency and quality work is achieved since; new ideas are brought on board from the tour experience and fresh, relaxed minds. Nonetheless, some workers may switch off due to the few days of having fun as others even report to work late, but they will pick up with much efficiency with time (Jevne, 2017).
Good office relations
Good office relations crowns it all since it is the central unifying factor among workers in an office. It entails making friends with fellow workmates promote collaboration that results in teamwork among workers, just like they say two is better than one (Langenderfer-Magruder et al., 2018). Friendship among workers is encouraged for the organization's success. It promotes exchanging ideas, sharing tasks, good relations, respect for one another, and counting days without giving up even in worst situations. Therefore, working as a team will encourage each other and establish great friends among members to work regardless of race, age, gender, religion, and tribe issues, thus upholding professional ethics (Yoon et al., 2021). However, barriers such as class stratification due to rank factors in the team, pride in some fellows, and inability to build good relations with peers exist (Van Veelen et al., 2017). But with a charismatic, hardworking, and positive team leader, unity will be obtained easily, thus promoting teamwork and harmony among workers.
Appropriate solution
The most appropriate theme is maintaining self-care. Self-care means good mental and physical health where one is in good shape and the right state of mind, therefore effective for quality and productive work. Just as other people's health and well-being, especially maltreated children, are essential to the social workers, so is their health to the people since they need them. Psychological trauma imposed on social workers under the child welfare organization is intense. Take an example of child abuse cases like rape or any form of abuse; the state of a child might cause trauma among workers handling such situations. Therefore, engaging workers in writing a reflective journal, taking up a non-work-related hobby, and ensuring an uplifting and motivating team surrounds you (Waid & Choy-Brown, 2021). Depression and stress are vital hindrances in overcoming trauma. But creating time for oneself is a critical aspect of work. In addition, the social workers also need to be assured of their protection, safety, and well-being for them to work without fear of their life and health are threatened. Therefore, social workers will be encouraged to give their best at work without fear since their health, safety, and protection are guaranteed (Yoon et al., 2021).
In conclusion, child welfare is a vital aspect globally that ensures the protection, safety, development, and well-being of every child whose life is at risk. It is promoted and supported entirely by every government through the constitution that stipulates all child rights, such as education, protection, food, and shelter. But majorly, the global joint United Nations body is committed to ensuring every human right is upheld. The government and many other organizations cannot directly reach every child in the streets; therefore, social workers serve well on the ground levels. Child abuse has been prevalent among third-world countries, increasing the number of illiterate people in society. Poverty has emerged as a significant problem of the increased number of child abuse globally, particularly in third world countries. The government and other NGOs have stipulated rules and regulations to support children's education and primary need categories.
Most social workers are locals who are at least used to their working places and aware of whom to reach these children who need their help urgently. Such children are at risk of abuse, violence, negligence, and exploitation; hence, they need to be protected. However, this job has significant challenges such as time constraints, inadequat
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