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The Effects of Dietary fat on the Risk of Developing Cancer (Research Paper Sample)


The effects of dietary fat on the risk of developing cancer


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The effects of dietary fat on the risk of developing cancer.
In the recent past, there have been many several cases reported on excess usage of the fats in the dietary foods. About 67% of the people in USA are concerned with obesity that the risks of cancer. According to the recent study, it has been found that excessive use of fats will change the normal functioning of the cell to form cancer. This paper examines the impact of dietary fat to contribute to development of cancer. Though the studies in the recent years concerning fat intake in relation to breast cancer have been inconsistent because of different subtypes of fats, several studies have revealed that saturated fatty acids increases the risks of conducting cancer. On the other hand, w-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids such as olive oil are known to prevent cancer .
Cancers occur when the gene of the cell is altered and this makes the cell to divide abnormally and increase in numbers.Ordinarily,we have correct number of cells in our body and a healthy cell will sent signals which control the numbers produced and how the cell divide. When the signals are destroyed the cell will divide abnormally to form lump, mass of the tissue called tumors which are malignant meaning that they can spread to other parts of the body. There are few cases of cancers where tumors do not appear and these include the blood cancer. In this case there are not tumors but the cancer affects the blood and the bone marrow.When the cancer cell divides abnormally, they hip together forming atumor.When the cell a tumor angiogenesis occurs. This is the formation of new blood vessels to bring in nutrients and oxygen. The mutated cancer cells which are abnormally shaped produce protenase enzymes that degrade the body tissue a process called metastasis. CITATION Mad15 \l 1033 (Mader)
The proto-oncogenes often control the functionality of the cell by manufacturing the proteins which are the main messengers for the cell. The genes must have correct instructions to make proteins are vital correct functioning of the cell. When the genes of the cell are changed or mutated an abnormal protein is formed. This provides different information causing the cell to multiply abnormally and makes it cancerous. Normally; the mutation may be acquired from things like viruses, tobacco and UV light or genetic which are passed from the parent CITATION Mat111 \l 1033 (Matthew).
Experiment Analysis
* The saturated and polyunsaturated fat especially the omega 6 fatty acid causes an increase in breast tumors. The experiment was done in Oxford University where rats were fed with a diet that had high fats and others were given foods that have low fat diets. The rats were examined and were discovered to have mammary tumors. The rats were then treated with azaserine and 2-oxypropyl nitrosamine.
It was noted that the fats were able to cause mutation of the genes making them to send wrong signals making them to divide abnomally.The cancer cells hipped together forming a lump called tumor. The rats that were fed with foods on low diet had no tumors and they looked healthy.
* Another experiment involved women. About 200 women in US without cancer were asked of their dietary fats intake and there information was recorded. They were given about seven years and they were evaluated and few who had a lot of fats consumption had cancer. Another control experiment done at the Cornell University. In this case, women with breast cancers were interviewed on the fat dietary intake and it was realized that about 125 of the total had a lifestyle which loved junk foods which had a lot of fats and that out of them 7% had breast cancer though others had inherited from their lineage. These experiments reveal that the high intake of fats could cause cancer. This because several reports show that the breast cancer is common to the women who have the highest level intake of fat in their diets CITATION Pol124 \l 1033 (Pol).
Studies have shown a high raise in fats in diet will make estrogen hormone to rise in concentration. It also leads to high body mass which is a risk of the breast cancer in women. Children who consume a lot of fats grow faster and also experience an earlier menarche. Ordinarily, a higher consumption of the foods that have high fats alters the tumor suppressor genes. Basically; the body has the tumor suppressor genes which protect the body from the tumor. They limit the cell growth by repairing the mismatched DNA and control the cell which have died. They will often stop the cell from multiplying...
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