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Recommendation for use of technology in the procurement processes (Research Paper Sample)


the research paper focused on Recommendation for use of technology in the procurement processes


Yardstick Report Memo
Student’s Name
Date: November 20, 2020.
To: Jonathan Robison, CEO, Lachic Company
From: student******, Procurement Manager
Subject: Recommendation for use of technology in the procurement processes
The integration of technology in the procumbent sector is vital for its success. There are certain areas in the procurement process that require technology and this potentially impacts the business. There are also critical aspects that are to be considered while implementing technology in the process. The report in this memo is made to aid in the decision-making process concerning the best areas of technology in the procurement department. Some of the aspects that are put into consideration are the cost, durability, and maintenance requirements, and availability.
Problem and background
In the digital world, it has become impossible for the procumbent managers and teams to carry on their duties without using technology. There is a need to keep some of their work old-schools. The aspects that are inclined with the suppliers among other groups in the department impact teams. Budget is considered rather than chosen principles in the procurement department, and notably, there are many scenarios where poor technology has been utilized in the procurement process. This does not insinuate there is no need to apply technology in the procurement activities. Indeed there is a need to enhance the technology by the practicing teams to enhance performance in certain areas.
Solutions and alternatives
This section considers some of the areas in particular in that technology can be implemented to enhance the whole process. This includes;
* digital storage and organization
* Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
* analytics programs

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