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The Troubles in Ireland (Research Paper Sample)


Paper uses at least 5 academic sources (This is the minimum, and sources will be scrutinized on basis of academic quality and research involved, typically good papers have more sources than the minimum) paper: must have a two-paragraph intro 1st paragraph narrative hook first-hand report. 2nd argument paragraph questions that paper will answer, why this is significant with thesis. Paper is cited with Chicago Style footnotes The paper should have a bibliography in Chicago Style (Links to an external site.) The written text of the paper is between 6 and 9 pages (this does not include the bibliography or title page) Paper is in Times New Roman Font 12 (footnotes should be in font size 10) Paper is double spaced The file is Word or Word compatible (no Odt), when in doubt submit a Pdf. The Paper makes a historical argument that demonstrates analysis and is demonstrated with historical evidence. No broad summary essays. The paper is closely proofed to pick out errors and is well written The paper begins with a narrative hook in the first paragraph and the second paragraph presents the argument clearly and concisely.


The Troubles in Ireland
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Conflict is a development issue. War consumes the lives of individuals, and its impacts extend beyond deaths in battle. War can be caused by a struggle for power between leaders in a country or between different nations due to various reasons like boundaries issues. Altogether, war can lead to forced migration, damage of infrastructure, and long-term refugee. Also, war can permanently damage social, political, and economic institutions. The impacts of war, particularly civil war, for development are many. Therefore, it is not wrong to say that a country like Ireland that experienced conflict for 30 years was significantly impacted in many ways.
Northern Ireland experienced 30 years of war. The war had a profound impact on every aspect of Irish life. Ireland's war's consequences can be described in aspects of Ireland's social history, demographic, economic and political, and military upheavals of the conflict years. An investigation of the origin and causes of Ireland's war, the peace process, and its impacts can help us understand the troubles of Ireland.
Ireland's troubles are marked by a thirty-year political deadlock, low-intensity armed war, and political violence within the six northeastern nations, which formed part of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. The battle was complex and involved various armed and political actors. Also, the conflict entailed an armed insurgency against the state by components of the Catholic supported by the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) and included other republican factions, which had a goal of developing a united independent Ireland. Other groups that also stood against the IRA were the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), the regular British army, Ulster Defense Regiment (UDR), and the locally recruited Army unit.
The war was also fought in another angle known as communal violence, which involved the minority Catholics and the majority unionists. This war was majorly based on the expulsion of the minorities from rival places, house burning, and inter-communal rioting. Other paramilitary groups also arose from the loyalist community—for instance, the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) and the 

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